Enabling the Active Directory namespace.
Active Directory Domain Services database.
Active Directory Domain Services components.
活动目录域服务(Active Directory Domain Services)组件。
IT pros are hot for the new Active Directory features.
Or, for example, if you needed Active Directory support.
Currently (as its name implies) only support Active Directory.
Finally, group creation is solely an Active Directory task.
最后,组创建只是一个Active Directory任务。
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services data stores for.
Example 3: Implementing a plug-in based on Active directory.
例3:实现一个基于Active Directory的插件。
Follow the steps below to add new users to the Active Directory server.
执行以下步骤以向Active Directory服务器添加新用户。
Figure 4: Active Directory Installation Wizard for setting permissions.
After Active Directory is installed, ensure that the Kerberos KDC is running.
Discuss which attributes to use with your Active Directory administrator.
您可以与Active Directory管理员讨论,以确定使用哪些属性。
Have you checked your own Active Directory as a standard domain user account?
你有没有用标准的域用户帐户检查过你的AD ?
Figure 2 lists the existing setup of the Active Directory on windce20.in.ibm.com.
图2列出了 windce20.in.ibm.com 中Active Directory的现有设置。
This group only exists in the root domain (first domain in Active Directory forest).
这个组只存在于根域中(ActiveDirector forest中的第一个域)。
Active Directory supports user information being distributed across different subtrees.
Active Directory支持分布于不同子树的用户信息。
User accounts need access to most of the Active Directory with at least read permissions.
Then add two users to Active Directory, one for the broker client and one for the broker service.
We'll refer to two different users located in the Active Directory of the domain controller.
我们将引用位于域控制器中的Active Directory中的两个用户。
map for Active Directory running on Windows 2000 and 2003, and /etc/security/ldap/sfur2group.
对于运行于Windows 2003 R2 的Active Directory,组映射文件为 /etc/security/ldap/sfur2group.map。
Other integrations such as with Exchange and Active Directory, are more easily programmed with.net.
In addition to working with individual users, you can also create groups from Active Directory.
除了对单独用户进行操作之外,还可以从active Directory中创建组。
Typically, the 4 steps taken by an application during authentication using active directory are.
通常,在使用Active Directory进行身份验证的过程中,应用程序采取的4个步骤是。
Notice that the new group has no characteristics that signal it was created using Active Directory.
请注意,对于新组来说,没有任何特征表明它是使用Active Directory创建的。
What information normal domain users can see in Active Directory and why this is available to users.
To handle identity, .NET Services will allow federating a company's Active Directory structure to Azure.
It allows administrators to handle many common tasks including active directory actions and WMI operations.
它让管理员可以处理很多日常任务,包括对活动目录和WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)的运维。
At minimum, each domain controller stores three NCs in its local copy of the Active Directory database.
每个域控制器可在Active Directory数据库的本地副本中存储至少三个NC。
In the educational portal project I use Microsoft's Active Directory Server to store the user profiles.
在教育门户项目中,我使用Microsoft的Active DirectoryServer存储用户的个人信息。