Said they are working to improve them by adding more information.
Some newer apps are focusing more on adding valuable content to recommendations, such as special offers or information.
You can often find out more detailed information by adding the -a and -h command-line options.
通常,您可以通过添加- a和-h命令行选项来查找更详细的信息。
This leads information technology experts to spend less time implementing and maintaining the basics of an IT strategy, and ultimately adding more value to the 'core' business processes of a company.
For more details, see Adding dynamic text and Changing store information.
有关详细信息,请参阅 “添加动态文本”和 “更改商店信息”两篇文章。
For more information on dbspaces and adding chunks to dbspaces, refer to the IDS v10.0 information Center.
关于dbspaces和向dbspaces添加块(chunk)的更多信息,请参见idsv10.0 Information Center。
See your browser's documentation for more information on adding language character recognition to your browser.
This effort aims to make Web resources more readily accessible to automated processes by adding information about the resources that describe or provide Web content.
See Implementing an Interface and Adding Objects and Controls to an ATL Project for more information.
See Adding a New Interface in an ATL Project for more information.
有关更多信息,请参见在AT L项目中添加新接口。
See Adding Event Handlers for Dialog Box Controls for more information.
For more information and examples, see Adding an MFC ODBC Consumer.
如需详细资讯和范例,请参阅加入MF CODBC消费者。
For more information, see Adding an Event.
For more information, see Adding Controls to the List of Associated Controls for a Data Type.
For more information, see the ATL topic Adding an ATL Message Handler.
Although the edge of image is not single pixel for adding image fusion, however compared with other methods, this algorithm with which the edge image includes more information on the brink is simple.
EZ Soccer: EZ Soccer brings you scores and information from FIFA World Cup 2010. More features are adding.
If you need a wrapper class, use class View to create one (for more information, see Adding a class).
By the observed capability analysis of INS, adding more kinds of external navigational information the integrated navigation system can promote the capability of INS error-correction.
For more information on adding management systems, see the user documentation.
For more information on adding management systems, see the user documentation.