Some people are interested only in machine alerting, others in performance metrics, others in job profiling, and others just want to know if certain services or applications are running.
In that case, a process for activities like patient alerting, doctor notification, and follow-up tracking could be defined as a BPEL process invoking a set of component services.
Dynamic qualification augments the work being done in describing contracts and agreements for Web services, by providing a prediction and alerting mechanism.
Article 82 an air traffic control unit shall provide air traffic services to civil aircraft in flight, including air traffic control service, flight information service and alerting service.
Library journal contents report services, which includes Table of contents Alerts (TOC Alerts) and Search Alerts, are realized by setting-up databases alerting service.
Library journal contents report services, which includes Table of contents Alerts (TOC Alerts) and Search Alerts, are realized by setting-up databases alerting service.