In addition, Japan airlines, All Nippon Airways, the African airlines have cut flights behavior.
After years of delays, Boeing at last dispatched the first of its new 787 Dreamliners to All Nippon Airways.
All Nippon Airways, the first and biggest airline customers of the new Boeing model, has 55 of the planes on order.
The unusual request is one of a number of measures being tried out by All Nippon Airways to reduce fuel consumption.
This means that launch customer All Nippon Airways won’t be getting its new carbon composite airplane until after July.
Named Peach, the airline is scheduled to begin operations in March and will be 39 percent owned by All Nippon Airways of Japan.
Boeing delivered the first 787 Dreamliner to All Nippon Airways Co. in September, which put the program more than three years behind schedule.
今年9月,波音向全日空(All Nippon AirwaysCo。)交付了首架787梦想飞机,比计划交付时间推后了三年多。
Japan Airlines (JAL) says it may offer discounts of up to 80% on some off-peak routes; its main rival, All Nippon Airways, is still considering its response.
If the 787's testing goes well, late next year All Nippon Airways, the patient launch customer, should receive the first of the 50 planes it ordered in April 2004.
Singapore believes that life for 747 operators, such as All Nippon Airways and Japan airlines, faced with direct competition from airlines flying the A380 will be hard.
All Nippon Airways says if half its travelers used the bathroom before hopping on the plane, it would reduce the airline’s carbon dioxide production by 4.2 tons per month, according to CNN.
His decision to resign comes after a sharp downward revision of the airline's earnings estimates, the defection of customers to rival All Nippon Airways, and mounting internal strife at the carrier.
His decision to resign comes after a sharp downward revision of the airline's earnings estimates, the defection of customers to rival All Nippon Airways, and mounting internal strife at the carrier.