No matter how much you amend the laws, there are always loopholes to exploit. Ask any good lawyer, and they'll tell you so.
Only Creator can amend Its laws, and in the case of free will, It has done so twice.
To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures;
根据本法规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律; !
An example is that it has set about to draft and amend relevant laws in order to accede to the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
The first chapter of the main text mostly deals with the definition and history of the power to amend basic laws;
The proposed law, which would amend the 1990 Tobacco Control Laws of Nigeria, also forbids communication between the manufacturers and consumers.
The proposed law, which would amend the 1990 Tobacco Control Laws of Nigeria, also forbids communication between the manufacturers and consumers.