“I put my arm around her waist and drew her close to me, for I loved her...my behavior seemed quite natural and right, ” Mark Twain wrote in “My Platonic Sweetheart” of an early dream encounter.
所以尽管素昧平生,我的举止也完全合乎自然,没有丝毫不妥,”马克·吐温在《我的梦中情人》中描写早年与她相遇的梦境。 “她没有惊讶,没有悲伤,没有不愉快,她把一只胳膊放在我的腰上,仰起一张盈盈笑脸,欢迎我的到来。
But new evidence suggests that the Magellanic Clouds have instead spent most of their careers farther away and are currently experiencing a rare close encounter with our galaxy.
Other kinds of close encounter may be less rewarding and leave much of human society feeling indifferent towards alien life.
Cats, dogs, and humans walking near a mockingbird nest, usually in urban and suburban areas, can expect a close encounter with an angry parent and even a sharp peck.
Close encounter: Nylon hooks and loops interweave to form the material more commonly known as Velcro.
This is the last of a handful of LORRI images that New Horizons is sending "home" during its busy close encounter with Jupiter - hundreds of images and other data are being taken and stored onboard.
According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
The post modem treachery of the post eighties and their awkward encounter have very close connection with the age of consumerism.
WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet, and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course, the astronomers figure.
天文学家们估计,WAPS - 17行星有可能和一颗较大的卫星又一次近距离接触,引力相互作用就好像弹弓,将WASP - 17放入奇怪的轨迹。
Such a lunar close encounter can cause slightly higher than normal ocean tides and localized flooding—especially if there is already a storm surge, astronomers say.
The encounter is too close to the sun for human eyes to see, but the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is able to monitor the action using an opaque disk to block the sun's glare.
The encounter is too close to the sun for human eyes to see, but the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is able to monitor the action using an opaque disk to block the sun's glare.