This parrot will repeat anything and everything you say to it.
We had to say "thank you" when our food was served, and eat everything on our plates before we could leave the table.
We chatted about everything and then Ben turned to me. "I just want to say thank you," he said. "You saved my life!"
The key is to remember that it is really about everything you do, say and have.
You nurture trust by acting in accord with the recognition that everything you say and everything you do either contributes to or erodes trust.
People say: for us to believe in you, you must renounce everything that is yours and also yourself.
This doesn't mean that you must do everything they say; it means you should listen and respond.
Some of you say and feel that "Everything works out as it should, all is in perfect order".
Someone asks what’s wrong and you say nothing and through a little more coaxing, you’re more than ready to vomit everything that’s wrong with your life.
Everything you say and do--from how you greet others and answer the phone to how you dress and carry yourself--sends a message about your brand.
When someone gets a gift and the other people at the kibbutz say, "Well you can't have that by yourself, we share everything."
Real Passion means putting genuine love into everything you do, even if people tell you it's stupid and it doesn't pay well. It may not always be practical but as they say.
You're frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy.
Then we expanded this to say hey maybe when you log on, you can see everything that all your friends have and search for things in there.
Not everything has to be high protein, low carbon, polyunsaturated fat - I too enjoy the occasional pizza (and notice I did not say "slice of pizza") and all-you-can-eat breakfast offer.
You need to have an "all or nothing" attitude when first gaming a woman, and express this in everything that you say and do.
That is to say, your life would not have that kind of scripted perfection: you get the girl, everything is going to be perfect, and the whole world falls in line, dancing behind you.
And you say I always screw everything up!
And the point of this is so that you don't come to class heads down the whole time thinking everything I say is absolutely worthy of being written down.
What others say "he knows everything about the world and you can give a trophy for what he does off the pitch.".. I try and learn from him on the pitch, not off of it.
You are to say everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of his country.
The guest officer after listen to, loudly say: big deal still you are, when I haven't eaten, say and throat, the hand buckle up everything just eat something in underground.
Hard to diff: lets say you fought the beast and get a non-trivial workflow up and running, and everything is great.
This colorful Talking Parrot has a hidden recording device that enables him to repeat everything you say and in your own voice!
I say, “Tell you what. I’ll write everything for you, and when you’re happy with it, send me a check for what you think is reasonable.”
Even in something as simple as' Do I have my hat on right? ' 'Is everything okay?' and they say 'You have to button that,' and 'You've got it all wrong!'
Bill Venners: in your book, Refactoring you say, "the code says everything once and only once, which is the essence of good design."
Bill Venners: in your book, Refactoring you say, "the code says everything once and only once, which is the essence of good design."