For example, they can guess if you are male or female, how old you are, and your interests.
Spirits are taxed at all sorts of rates, depending on what they are made from and even how old the brand is.
Everyone is curious about how these two little girls live in the past five years as one is one year old and the other is three years old when they are lost.
Kepler's discoveries, and others, have done plenty of exciting violence to old theories of what planets are and how they form.
But in both Britain and America it is not polite to ask people how old they are.
If above conditions are met. names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures. no matter how old they are.
Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.
They make those decisions purely on how much money they have and how old the patients are.
They rely heavily on their teeth for grasping and moving things, and their teeth may even show us how old they are.
Waste can be used to determine with great accuracy how many people are living in a particular place, how old they are, how much they earn and which ethnic group they come from.
What is wrong – and most peculiar – about all this is not that we ask the youngest workers how old they are. It is that we don't ask anyone else.
"To me, it was confirmation of all the hard work I've put in over the years, but I still thought about the other players and how awesome they are," said the 32-year-old.
I raised my three children by myself. And sometimes he doesn't remember how old they are.
At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upward.
It is this childlike wonder and illusion that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, no matter how old they are.
At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards.
At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards.