Not only is this a boring and awful way to treat children, but it also makes no sense educationally.
As you can see, there is no single solution, and other combinations of tokens could be used, but it's important that you clearly identify where it makes sense to use an LTPA token.
Given that there is no specification available of this feature, and it is deprecated, it makes all kinds of sense for people not to implement it.
It makes no sense at all to let market forces destroy a precious ecosystem that we all need for our survival and yet somehow we are letting it happen.
It can take a while to actually think about it and realize their advice makes no sense at all.
Most of the world's best shoes and purses are made out of leather, so it really makes no sense that we wouldn't be able to wear them year round.
For this reason, it always makes sense to use a title insurance company and have a lawyer perform a title searchto make sure that there are no liens and the property can betransferred.
因此,雇用产权保险的公司和律师进行产权调查 ,确保房地产没有任何扣押权,可以顺利转移,这样做是很有意义的。
It's a strange rule. It makes no sense and it's annoying.
Ultimately, it makes no sense for us to cheap out on a trip and be miserable staying in some sketchy hotel, or eating only rice and beans to save money.
It makes no sense, and everyone knows it.
It makes no sense in copying Japanese and German premium brands.
This is less than satisfactory from any perspective, and from a market perspective it makes no sense at all.
It makes no sense to have all those war heads now. The cold war's over. So we've drastically cut down the number of war heads. And we are going to cut them down further.
It makes no sense to say that a good marriage parity, as most marriage in the world and throughout history have been based on entirely different principles.
I agree that it makes no sense to do so and is probably just a display bug.
It makes no sense, and it has to change.
It therefore makes no sense that 'you have a regulated real market and an unregulated financial market.
Today, along with the advancement of globalization, it is pointless and makes no sense for countries to blame eath other.
Since then our screens have just gotten bigger and bigger, and today it makes no sense to have a site designed for small screens.
It makes no sense to say that a good marriage parity, as most marriage in the world and throughout history have been based on entirely different principles.
Fencing has turned the American West into a desert and it is now being copied in China it makes no sense to copy a failed model.
It makes no sense to be revided and killed again.
He said that "History shows it makes no sense to give a quick up-or-down vote to bad trade deals like the TPP that will only ship jobs overseas and lower wages in the U. S."
He said that "History shows it makes no sense to give a quick up-or-down vote to bad trade deals like the TPP that will only ship jobs overseas and lower wages in the U. S."