When you have to say something in English, think first and ask yourself" What words and phrases do I know in English that I can use in this situation?"
Because I was going to say, that's the first thing you need to do and without that we can't go ahead.
Do you, for instance, feel that too much is being expected of you, and yet find it impossible to say no?
And do not thank me; do not say that I receive you in my house.
If so, and you have no control of the situation, plan the rest of your day or do the thinking that you say you never have time to do.
The key is to remember that it is really about everything you do, say and have.
You nurture trust by acting in accord with the recognition that everything you say and everything you do either contributes to or erodes trust.
And if you say 'yes' ensure that you do what you say - even if it is inconvenient.
At large organisations, there's a lot of people that say no, and a lot of policies, and the window you can do something in is tiny.
I have read much about America and American houses, and I do not think that this is exhibit and what you say is strictly accurate.
The expectation of integrity, high quality and consistency is a great motivator that is fed by valuing the commitment to do what you say.
The scientists say that simply moving your mouth like other folks do allows you to intuit their potentially eccentric speech patterns, and get what they say.
You have the right to say that but before you do I want to show you why my life is out of balance and why your life should be out of balance too.
You need to have an "all or nothing" attitude when first gaming a woman, and express this in everything that you say and do.
You can look at somebody and find 10 reasons with their body language that say they like you in just a few minutes or you can look at somebody and find 10 reasons to see that they do not like you.
This doesn't mean that you must do everything they say; it means you should listen and respond.
You have to be who you are and follow a lifestyle and career that fulfills you; no matter what that entails or what people say about it. And it is never too late to do so.
If you are excited, gesture more vigorously. But remember that predeceased gestures that do not naturally arise from what you are trying to say are likely to appear awkward and stilted.
Do you often complain and say that if only you had the time, you'd do more things that make you happy?
When you call a friend just to say hi, or meet them for coffee be grateful that you are able and willing to do that.
If I can't tell that a love is real, If a love might not love me, can I lie and say you do?
There is no need to lie and say she's gorgeous if she isn't, nor is there a need to say that she is not attractive anymore. One can always appreciate and praise what you do find attractive.
If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.
Now, you might say, "I could be a poet and what does that have to do with finance?"
If you say that you'll do something or be somewhere at a certain date and time, then be there no matter what.
He does get recognized these days and people will come up and say: 'do you know, that dog looks just like Harvey in the TV commercial.' They give him a pat.
So, for example, say that you have a big box made of metal or something, and you do some heating at one side.
So, for example, say that you have a big box made of metal or something, and you do some heating at one side.