And very often the water used comes from deep Wells.
Nobody likes extra work, and very often that's what these appear to be.
Sometimes people just need to have the chance to say what they think … and very often it doesn't happen.
I have been working in this field for 25 years now and very often we have requests for money to exchange the painting.
Each software process has a different collection of activities, ways to organize a team, and very often techniques for planning a project.
Shrewd and daring, they are outspoken and even boastful by nature. Most annoyingly – Roosters always think they are right … and very often they are!
He said what he thought — a rarity in the fashion establishment — and very often he could wind you up, toy with you, pull a bit of wool over your wide, innocent eyes.
This is a very simple scheme and very often the first design you'll encounter in learning about AOP. Figure 1 shows the schematics of a design that employs one aspect.
Fracture lines start from the outside and spread over the whole cross section, particularly starting in the fillet area and very often after a fatigue crack propagation.
There are Freecycle networks in many areas — people who want to give something away, or who need something, post to the list and very often exchanges are made — for free.
同样的理念,只是利用更广泛的网络空间,在互助网络中,人们把自己需要的物品或者有意出让的物品列在清单上,并据此进行免费的互换。 这样的网络在世界上很多地方都有。
Those who disapprove of it are commonly accused of 'sentimentality', and very often their arguments justify the accusation. They paint pictures of pretty little dogs on dissecting tables.
He is one of the writers that make you think before you grasp his meaning, but the meaning is there, and put plainly enough, only tersely and very often indirectly, after the manner of proverbs.
All of these things seem like a good idea, and they often are — but they also require a lot of effort to create and then to maintain, and very often do not provide real value to your project team.
Bracket them together because they are incredibly hardworking and often very intelligent.
That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there.
I have very sad thoughts sometimes, and often I feel as if I could not bear it any longer.
In particular, dairy maids, whose responsibility was to milk cows, and so they had a very intimate relationship with cattle, often didn't get smallpox.
That is the sort of very interesting people, and I think of them so often because one will never see them again, never know what happened next.
When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels, and they need to be convinced of its true age.
This is very special and has a large number of endangered species, and as it's at the far corner of the Sea Life Centre, it often gets overlooked.
The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile.
Proverbs are found in most cultures and are often very old.
Very often, we can see different kinds of graphics in books, magazines and newspapers.
They fly to very specific places in South America and will often come back to the same trees in North American yards the following spring.
The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.
Children experiencing an auditory function deficit can often find speech and communication very difficult to isolate and process when set against high levels of background noise.
China TELECOM surveyed 200 men and women using Wi-Fi service at Starbucks very often.
China TELECOM surveyed 200 men and women using Wi-Fi service at Starbucks very often.