Even though the handshake is performed after the connection is established, the client or server can request a new handshake at any point in time.
In theory, this means that half of the nursery space (that is, the survivor space) is unused at any point in time.
In other words, what you say at any given point in time can have an impact at any other point in time throughout your life.
The list of projects that they need to change can change, so that at any point in time they can add to the list of projects that they can change.
Different securities perform differently at any point in time, so with a mix of asset types, your entire portfolio does not suffer the impact of a decline of any one security.
In this case, the architecture can be considered static because the entire system state can be determined at any point in time.
Be aware that pitfalls await for any couple, and that he/she can cheat at any point in time and space because, really at the end of the day, its their choice.
The customer team is the one that knows whether certain system functions are useful for users at any point in time.
The effect of this is that if an event handler implements a request-response operation, then only one instance of such an event handler may be active at any point in time.
Assertion validation can be enabled or disabled at any point in time, so it is possible to test with assertions enabled and deploy with them disabled.
Each of the practices and procedures described here must be governed to provide a clear picture of the state of the enterprise models at any point in time.
It determines two very important factors: the guaranteed CPU cycles the LPAR will get at any point in time, and the base unit of measurement for utilization statistics.
There is, presumably, a limited supply of reputation and attention in the world at any point in time.
If a child has to have a shunt or has seizures, their risk for long-term problems go up, as do those children who have an infection of the brain at any point in time.
The data resembles a heat map of population density in a given city at any point in time.
A baseline represents a configuration of a component at any particular point in time.
This makes room for new messages as they arrive so that, at any point in time, the queue always has the latest messages instead of the oldest.
If you plan for multiple evolutions, you can distribute activities across the entire project in a manner that ensures that no one group is either overwhelmed or underutilized at any point in time.
NarrativeTracker is based on global discourse, providing a real-time, accurate picture about any topic, at any point in time.
As a side effect, this means every LPAR on a managed system will always be able to use its entitled capacity at any point in time.
"An earthquake could occur at any point in time after closing," warns the Moody's report, which comes complete with scary-looking geological charts.
The feature set available in the product should be enough to appease the market at any point in time.
Its simple, intuitive UI makes it easy to discover all the components in a GUI, investigate how they are painted, inspect their properties at any point in time, and much more.
“Just being online means you have this continuous partial attention, or this sense that at any point in time, you can dip into the stream,” he says.
At any point in time during a RUP-based project, there is activity taking place in a variety of disciplines.
The amount of information available at your fingertips at any point in time, even while mobile, is astounding.
If you believe that keeping an integration build successful is one of the highest priorities on your project, you'll want to know the build status at any point in time.
Cache data is that which can be re-created at any point in time.
Programmer tests tell developers whether the system works (as defined by the customer) at any point in time.
These need to be highlighted so that, at any point in time, you as an Enterprise Architect, know that these processes need attention.