"What do you mean?" I asked as I stared at his sad face.
As I stared at the incomprehensible Cyrillic script, I knew that I was way out of my comfort zone.
As I stared at her picture, I remembered the days when she helped me arrange my uncle's important stones.
Today, as I stared down into his casket, all I could think is that I still have so much left to say to him. MMT.
I repeated his words once again as I stared at nothing. I probably sounded like a broken record…but what was he talking about?
Memories continued to flow freely as I stared at the home that Bill and I had lived in for over 23 years, and also the place where our two daughters grew up.
As I stared, I heard a voice speaking to me, but it was not Dora's. It was her companion, whom I had not noticed at all while Mr Spenlow was making the introductions.
While I stared at her, speechless, she explained that as the local inn would close at midnight and I had better betake myself thither without further delay.
I hate being written about and being talked over as much as I hate being stared at!
As Nisan and I talked, Nemutan stared demurely at her pumpkin soup.
Of course, everyone at the table stared at me as I unfolded the napkin and read what it said.
I stared at him hard as the lights of a car stabbed through the darkness.
While I stared at her, speechless, she explained that as the local inn would close at midnight I had better betake myself thither without further delay.
Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.
Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.
As I lay in bed watching her she found my passport and stared at my picture and my name for some time.
I stared at my friend in disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.
I stared up into his stern face, challenging me to make the same decision as my brothers - asking without asking whether I was made of the same stuff.
He just stared at me, looking at me as if I was some sort of weird freak... That jerk!
They both walked very gingerly up to the pond and then I stared in disbelief as she first tested whether the ice would hold her weight before leading the girl onto it.
一位目击者说道:“看见她们在冰面上走的小心翼翼,我感到极度的不可思议。 我看见那名女子先是自己踩上冰层试了试,然后就让自己的女儿也走了上来。
"I don't want this game to finish, I want to keep on playing forever," one young customer whispered as he stared at the screen.
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
Small and weak as I was, I stared firmly back at him.
I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.
He stared at me as if I were a complete stranger.
I remember that Tess Wodehouse sat and stared without blinking, as if she realized a fundamental deception but could not unravel the trick.
Both Rabbit and Matt stared at me now. I grinned as wickedly as my swollen cheek would allow me to. Their shocked expressions were hilarious.
Both Rabbit and Matt stared at me now. I grinned as wickedly as my swollen cheek would allow me to. Their shocked expressions were hilarious.