Jonathan writes in wondering if his 720p HDTV is man (or woman) enough to enjoy the luxuries of BD, or if upscaled DVD is a-okay for the time being.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Does Blu-ray show enough love to 720p HDTV owners?
The wider implication of the decision is that the sale of behavioral data for advertising purposes is a-okay with the majority of the Justices, because marketing is a form of commercial speech.
After Tesla Motors' recent SEC filing painted a picture of production delays, revenue shortfalls and stock sales to raise cash, CEO Elon Musk has gone on the record to say everything's a-okay.
"Statesmen" will argue: If Israel agrees that a no-nukes environment is okay when there is a comprehensive peace, why not bring it about when there is a real - and, given Iran's incipient nuclear capability, growing - threat of regional war?
Again, the plants that manufacture the batteries for these types of cars did not exist -- did not exist -- only a few years ago -- okay?
You do not have to be standing still over the ball when playing a shot, so striking the ball with a run-up is okay.
So if you don't like me, go ahead and just say, you know, you're a bum -- that's okay.
Fortunately Denver delivers, with the largest park collection of any U.S. city, more than 200 of them, including Winter Park, a world-class ski resort (okay, so it is 50 miles away).
First of all, it achieves the arbitrary goal -- utterly arbitrary goal -- of doing dollar-for-dollar in deficit reduction -- or spending cuts, rather -- and lifting of the debt ceiling -- a dangerously arbitrary goal, okay?
Most people nowadays can't remember their friends' phone numbers -- in spite of being in constant contact with them -- and correct spelling is growing largely irrelevant when doing a Google search with all those ultra-smart (okay, sometimes they can be real dumb too) suggestions.
ENGADGET: Google's Amit Singhal tells us about the dreams search engines are made of
What's unfair is that we make it tough for young people to get a job unless they pay danegeld to a four-year college to get a certificate that says it's okay to employ them.
MRS. OBAMA: Okay, this is a -- you want to ask that question in the mic again?
And later that night--as often happens when you combine an exhausting hike, iced knees, and a glass or two (okay, maybe three) of pinot noir--an idea took shape.
He put together a holding company, Diversified Asset Management Group Worldwide, to exploit inefficiencies at airports run by local authorities, who can't expand a terminal without an okay from the feds--and who are forced to offer what amounts to lifetime employment to even the least-deserving employees.
My own airplane, a Cessna Turbo 182, rotates skyward at about 60 knots--but 65 knots is okay, and so is 55 if you throw in a notch of flaps.
Okay, its time for a good old-fashioned games recommendation post!
In the case of a total billionaire freeze-out, Allen might still come out okay.
In states that permit social gambling it's okay for a host to make money from his winnings--but not by any other means.
You have a lot of African-American women, especially, that says, okay, well, the Clintons has been - it goes back to that experience - the Clintons have been around, they know we had jobs when Clinton was in the office, but when he left, the jobs went.
So have people talk about atmospheres, interiors, dynamics, and other processes that go on, on them - you know, on service processes, for instance, and then having discussed, you know, the things that we - the processes that we associate with these bodies to say, okay, now, can we - can we as a group articulate some definitions that would capture the essence of what we've been talking about?
Ambassador Wisner went for -- with a specific message and a specific conversation and to report back, okay?
Mr. FIRE: It's okay to have a party, but I would still have low-fat frozen yogurt at the party and not ice cream.
After you crank it on (okay, there's no cranking involved -- just a button press), you'll feel it kick in after maybe five seconds.
Block, expanding into personal finance, just got the okay to operate a bank, and it already has a big mortgage-issuing business.
I'm okay with such investments if it means covering 165 miles in a 416-horsepower luxury car for just 10 bucks' worth of electricity.
ENGADGET: Tesla vs. The Times: What one review means for the future of auto news
Both leaders, the senior-most Republican in the land, third in line, okay, a powerful figure with great authority, sat in a room with the President of the United States and worked out a detailed compromise.
MRS. OBAMA: Oh, gosh. (Laughter.) Okay, the -- no, I'm not as big a fan because I grew up a Cubs fan.