Jonathan writes in wondering if his 720p HDTV is man (or woman) enough to enjoy the luxuries of BD, or if upscaled DVD is a-okay for the time being.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Does Blu-ray show enough love to 720p HDTV owners?
The wider implication of the decision is that the sale of behavioral data for advertising purposes is a-okay with the majority of the Justices, because marketing is a form of commercial speech.
After Tesla Motors' recent SEC filing painted a picture of production delays, revenue shortfalls and stock sales to raise cash, CEO Elon Musk has gone on the record to say everything's a-okay.
Again, the plants that manufacture the batteries for these types of cars did not exist -- did not exist -- only a few years ago -- okay?
You do not have to be standing still over the ball when playing a shot, so striking the ball with a run-up is okay.
Fortunately Denver delivers, with the largest park collection of any U.S. city, more than 200 of them, including Winter Park, a world-class ski resort (okay, so it is 50 miles away).
Most people nowadays can't remember their friends' phone numbers -- in spite of being in constant contact with them -- and correct spelling is growing largely irrelevant when doing a Google search with all those ultra-smart (okay, sometimes they can be real dumb too) suggestions.
ENGADGET: Google's Amit Singhal tells us about the dreams search engines are made of
What's unfair is that we make it tough for young people to get a job unless they pay danegeld to a four-year college to get a certificate that says it's okay to employ them.
And later that night--as often happens when you combine an exhausting hike, iced knees, and a glass or two (okay, maybe three) of pinot noir--an idea took shape.
He put together a holding company, Diversified Asset Management Group Worldwide, to exploit inefficiencies at airports run by local authorities, who can't expand a terminal without an okay from the feds--and who are forced to offer what amounts to lifetime employment to even the least-deserving employees.
My own airplane, a Cessna Turbo 182, rotates skyward at about 60 knots--but 65 knots is okay, and so is 55 if you throw in a notch of flaps.
Okay, its time for a good old-fashioned games recommendation post!
In the case of a total billionaire freeze-out, Allen might still come out okay.
In states that permit social gambling it's okay for a host to make money from his winnings--but not by any other means.
So have people talk about atmospheres, interiors, dynamics, and other processes that go on, on them - you know, on service processes, for instance, and then having discussed, you know, the things that we - the processes that we associate with these bodies to say, okay, now, can we - can we as a group articulate some definitions that would capture the essence of what we've been talking about?
Ambassador Wisner went for -- with a specific message and a specific conversation and to report back, okay?
Mr. FIRE: It's okay to have a party, but I would still have low-fat frozen yogurt at the party and not ice cream.
After you crank it on (okay, there's no cranking involved -- just a button press), you'll feel it kick in after maybe five seconds.
Block, expanding into personal finance, just got the okay to operate a bank, and it already has a big mortgage-issuing business.
I'm okay with such investments if it means covering 165 miles in a 416-horsepower luxury car for just 10 bucks' worth of electricity.
ENGADGET: Tesla vs. The Times: What one review means for the future of auto news
Both leaders, the senior-most Republican in the land, third in line, okay, a powerful figure with great authority, sat in a room with the President of the United States and worked out a detailed compromise.
But in each case the Democratic candidate said, well, it was okay, or the health care bill -- well, it was a good start, it was a decent compromise.
So, okay, I've spotted a little dot, flashing dot that is over -- right now, Santa's sleigh is over the country of Latvia.
It was an okay device, when push came to shove, with useful features like a full-size USB port, 1080p output and pen support -- a rarity on Android tablets.
Maybe a woman had had breast cancer, and it was okay as long as she had her employer-based health care.
Well, okay, perhaps "similar" is not a fair comparison between Intradyn's dirt-cheap product and the well-tested, hugely scalable, professional offerings of EMC.
Gatland confirmed scrum-half Dwayne Peel will be "okay" for the trip to Dublin after suffering a blow to the head against Italy.
But then in 2005 the court decided it was okay for Texas farmers to sue Dow AgroSciences over government-approved warning labels on a pesticide.
FORBES: Can you sue a company for a product the feds approved?