My Moneybox predecessor Annie Lowrey did a great piece a while back reviewing some of the literature on the terrible consequences of long commutes, and now a new study gives us even more.
The story of how Saatchi lost the plot in the late 1980s and early '90s is itself a case study in being led astray by still trying to act a part in a play that ended a while back, but what's equally interesting is how the company was able to rethink its plot, as Saatchi's chief executive, Kevin Roberts, has noted in his blog.
This brings us back to a list I wrote a little while back about possible Star Wars games EA could make.
As for Michael Sata, his history in this province is not favourable - a great many were insulted a while back by him.
That, of course, also comes with an increase in screen size (to 3-inches), and a new interface that seems to include a few elements from that patent filing we saw a while back.
ENGADGET: Creative announces Zen X-Fi2 touchscreen PMP (video)
The stock would be under more pressure, except winding down a costly store-makeover program a while back has let Safeway ramp up its share-buyback program.
Intel, also a partner, took its lumps a long while back.
FORBES: Clearwire Back In Softbank/Sprint Nextel's Crosshairs
Then I had the chance to meet her mom and her daughter, Amber, a little while back, and we took a picture.
He predicted that Apple would suffer a similar fate after coasting for a while on the back of existing products.
Michael Barone showed us a while back that without the youth vote, the 2008 presidential election would have been a virtual tie.
This is some the things folks that he had said no to a while back.
"Somebody's gonna gun me down, maybe for something I did a while back, " he says.
So this is why I sent Congress a while back the American Jobs Act.
It is all reminiscent of the hype a while back about another network, Quora.
The metal consolidated for a while back around 2008-09, as it is now, before resuming its upward path.
FORBES: Rob McEwen Looks For Gold To Keep Rising As Nations Run Up Debt Levels
Interestingly, press reports indicate that the French and Russians gave similar assurances to Saddam Hussein a while back.
When we became aware of it a while back, we corrected it promptly.
FORBES: Abbott Board Should Probe Confusion Over Gonzalez Credentials
You know, a while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois.
Google previously had offline mode for some of its services with Google Gears, but it retired that service a while back.
FORBES: Google Takes Gmail, Calendar, Docs Offline: A Big Plus For Chromebook
Mr. Giuliani, a while back, a friend and I were having a discussion about you and some of the other Republican candidates.
In fact, someone compared Obama's reaction to this societal problem to how he reacted to another one a while back, racial profiling.
Now, Sasa gave us the same consistent message when we interviewed him a while back, and he might actually have a point.
ENGADGET: Primed: why nanometers matter (and why they often don't)
When Greece defaulted on renegotiated its bonds a little while back all those who had Greek law bonds took up to 90% haircuts.
FORBES: Russians In Cyprus: It's Not About Tax It's About The Rule Of Law And Property Rights
So a while back the Justice Department funded a study to determine whether or not the Taser family of electrical weapons used by police are potentially lethal.
And I recognize this choir, because I saw you guys a while back when I was here. (Applause.) So I have heard them in the past.
Insurers claim that, as shareholders stumped up some money a while back to capitalise funds and guarantee those that went bad, they are due much of the disputed capital.
This was even more so the case a while back when points were in 500 increments, and it was even harder to deduce what they actually cost in real world money.
FORBES: Microsoft May Be Ditching Their Points System on Xbox Live
But as I argued in my post a while back, Why Amazon is the Best Strategic Player in Tech, PR is their Achilles Heel (they could learn from Zappos, which they acquired).