Obviously, a bit of wishful thinking is inevitable in a losing presidential campaign.
"To me, many of these projects are a result of easy access to capital and a combination of wishful thinking and speculative behavior rather than rational business calculations, " said Victor Teo, assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong.
Considering the modest claims made by the author of the plan, as well as the sharp questioning of even those claims by many eminent economists, it would require a heavy dose of wishful thinking to regard QE2 as a potent remedy for the ills of the real economy.
Further work is needed to prove that this is, indeed, a picture of MPL and not wishful thinking over a grainy handful of pixels.
And so a fog of wishful thinking, euphemisms, and well-intended egalitarianism hangs over the discussion of education, obscuring simple truths.
But is it all a bunch of wishful thinking?
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U3 Ventures' Blaik believes that focusing on anchor institutions forces a discipline that prevents wishful thinking.
There is a powerful lot of wishful thinking going on about the American economy these days, starting at the very top.
This is a clear instance of wishful thinking over actual experience.
That was fun, if a little wishful in its thinking.
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Every oncology related biotech wishes for a deal with a company like Roche, but until that day it remains wishful thinking.
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Some plots misfire, and a few veer close to wishful thinking, but little of this matters, because the structure feels so confident.
"Chemicals are bad, " I told my family, and proceeded to use something called the Fertility Awareness Method, which basically involves wishful thinking and a temperature chart.
At the SIFMA securities conference June 15, two panels on social media and financial services revealed a world of confusion, contradiction, wishful thinking, denial and regulators lagging behind developments.
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Indeed, I know of no basis -- other perhaps than wishful thinking -- for positing a connection between the presence or absence of U.S. testing and global proliferation.
In its own right it is a worrisome reminder that America cannot safely indulge in wishful thinking that its equities in space will remain inviolable indefinitely, any more than it can safely rely upon unenforceable international agreements for their protection.
The first case (Chamberlain) was optimism supported by wishful thinking, as useful as buying a lottery ticket to fend off bankruptcy.
If such a reappraisal is performed without illusions and on the basis of the actual international and regional conditions (as opposed to wishful thinking about the way things might or "should" be), it could create a basis for a far more harmonious U.S.-Israeli relationship and improve the prospects for preserving the peace in the ever volatile Middle East.
Whether it's the real thing or just wishful thinking, we may find out in a little over a month's time.
This may be wishful thinking, but his essential point is a good one: namely that the boom years before the great recession put far more wealth in the hands of highly educated professionals than in earlier times, and that this class--Ivied, cosmopolitan, sophisticated in the ways of the knowledge economy--naturally gravitates toward liberal values and politics.
He talked about a diverse student body being educational in itself, but that sort of wishful thinking supports the notion that self-esteem is more important than physics.
Once upon a time, Wall Street lived in the real world, where economic fundamentals prevailed over wishful thinking.
Is John Edwards riding a surge of support after the Des Moines Register's endorsement, or is it just wishful thinking?
In practice, hopes that a meeting to launch this might take place by the end of 2000 are little more than wishful thinking.
ECONOMIST: This year is too soon for a new round of global trade talks
This is surely wishful thinking, since it assumes that politicians will resist the temptation to go on a spending spree.
Russian assertions of internal Chechen disarray may well be wishful thinking, or exaggerated: independent evidence, such as it is, tells a different story.
There has been much debate lately about the concept of "decoupling, " or the idea that international markets can deliver strong economic growth and robust equity returns in the face of a recession, or at least a very sharp slowdown in the U.S. In the short run, that may be wishful thinking.