The dozens of varieties of cattle raised today are all derived from the now-extinct auroch, which was used both for food and as a beast of burden from ancient times until the 17th century.
To see a hairy beast of an Engadget editor get turned a collection of dots and paired with some bootcut Diesel jeans, head on after the break.
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Mr Monti is a darling of Eurocrats, having served two terms as a big beast of the European Commission.
The potentially iconic clear plastic at the base of the unit, the convex back, and the packed feeling of that handset has been lost to a more masculine beast of a phone.
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The narrator sings about a man who slowly takes control of the world "with a face of an angel and the heart of a beast, " and as the man's promises lead to ruin, Norman's voice becomes increasingly defeated.
This article is for gaming enthusiasts who want a screaming fast, drool-inducing, beast of a laptop.
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Abrams, starts at a social gathering in New York and ends in devastation, thanks to the arrival of a khaki-colored beast the size of Lincoln Center.
He added that he will build the tortoise "a beast house" of his own.
WSJ: Colin Kaepernick, 49ers Super Bowl Quarterback, Has a Slow Sidekick -- Sammy the Tortoise
There's no shortage of life, death or profundity in "The '59 Sound, " a mile-wide, top-down, hook-laden beast of a summer anthem.
Some violent dose of medication shrunk the squash-sized lump then, and earned him and us a year-long reprieve during which that initially jealous beast became a member of my family -- our family.
It sounds like Barry Diller did a better job selling himself on the idea of a Daily Beast-Newsweek merger than he did selling his opposite number, Newsweek owner Sidney Harman.
The head of the IMF was a heavyweight, a big beast who has been at the heart of international efforts to prevent a global recession.
The title could become vacant if Braehmer - who pulled out of a 17 July defence against Vikapita 'Beast Master' Meroro because of injury - fails in his appeal against a 16-month prison sentence for assault and insulting behaviour.
The Daily Beast publishes a mix of news and commentary from its own staff and outside sources.
From up on the footplate of his clanking, hissing beast of a Black Five locomotive, he waves us aboard.
The insurgency is not a single-headed beast, but rather a loose affiliation of many different groups that rarely act in a coordinated way.
But Raikes sees it as a moveable beast:One-third of users haven't upgraded since 1997, a rich target if Microsoft can find new uses to excite them.
The Vegetable Lamb is a thirsty beast, and much of the Uzbeks' land is desert.
Brown, who now edits The Daily Beast, a Gawker rival of sorts, professes not to pay him much attention.
There's a beast that haunts the corridors of hospitals, clinics and HMOs.
It is also known by a nickname, the "beast of Kandahar, " earned when aviation enthusiasts first spotted the craft flying from Kandahar airfield in Afghanistan.
While a little compassion might help us climb the social ladder, once we're at the top we end up morphing into a very different kind of beast.
This is a rare beast - the likes of Magnolia and The Deep End satisfied, but we need films like this in the mainstream, not just relegated to arthouse distribution.
But a rarer beast can be observed in late August, when a herd of 100 or so central bankers and economists from around the world gather for the annual symposium of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (see article).
He was a beast being shuffled across the threshold of the slaughterhouse.
But starting in 1983, the inflation beast defeated, a new era of vigorous growth got under way, based on innovation and long-term investment.
Armed with the confidence that I could produce something reasonably authentic without a whole beast and within the confines of my own kitchen, I embarked on my own adventure.
Clinton and Blair were introducing individual market mechanisms into an overall state structure, foreign objects into a preexisting beast, in a way that aimed to tame the worst excesses of each system, but did not radically redefine either.