Papandreou picked outgoing Defense Minister Evangelos Venizelos as new finance minister, jettisoning George Papaconstantinou, architect of a belt-tightening program that has stoked violent unrest and a revolt in his Socialist Party.
Advertisers' migration toward search advertising is partly a result of belt-tightening companies looking for a more measurable and accountable form of marketing, says Greg Sterling, a search market analyst with Sterling Market Research.
Those effects would be short lived, though, with a Romney push for fiscal belt-tightening taking a toll on economic growth.
The firm's most recent partner class was the smallest since before the initial public offering, a sign of belt-tightening.
Even in the face of public criticism that derided corporate entertaining as an unneeded luxury during a time of belt-tightening, eventually the marketplace wins out.
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Industry sales are expected to be about 16 million units this year, the lowest in a decade, requiring more belt-tightening beyond what GM had planned when it unveiled a multi-year turnaround plan in 2005.
They credit an improving economy and a dozen rounds of belt-tightening since 2008, with holding the line on taxes.
At a time of consumer belt-tightening and corporate financial woes, people don't need more taxes--especially ones that are invidious, discriminatory and hidden.
You know what can be cut for a short period of belt-tightening.
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With an economy still growing at over 4%, and record foreign-exchange reserves, this would have been, but for the election, an opportune moment for a spot of serious belt-tightening.
Right now, our economy is trapped in a vicious cycle: The turmoil on Wall Street means a new round of belt-tightening for families and businesses on Main Street--and as folks produce less and consume less, that just deepens the problems in our financial markets.
One thing that occurred to me was that it was kind of a strange location to talk about belt-tightening.
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Mr Miller's economics minister, Jerzy Hausner, has produced a medium-term plan for belt-tightening that includes bold structural reforms, such as raising the retirement age for women to that for men, and the trimming of automatic indexation of some benefits.
No longer focused on the need for dramatic hoarding of cash to survive a potential 2nd Great Depression, even in a temporary setback created by government belt-tightening, corporations will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and begin investing for growth again, spending some of that cash hoard in preparation for better times ahead.
In December's pre-Budget report, Labour announced belt-tightening measures including a 1% cap on public sector pay rises and an increase in National Insurance from 2011.
True, partners bail out for many reasons: a change in corporate focus, post-merger belt-tightening, whatever.
For some valuable perspective (and perhaps belt-tightening inspiration), take a look at global consumer-spending patterns.
Higher taxes at the top, along with the waning of fiscal stimulus and belt-tightening by the states, will make a weak growth rate weaker still.
Whatever the actual sum and cheaper oil will mean some belt-tightening even in the Gulf that is a great deal of cash, and even more so considering that the six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council is home to fewer than 40m people.
Based on the last government's spending plans, they predict a deficit of 3.5-3.8%, thus requiring vicious belt-tightening, not just this year but next year too.
As belt-tightening happens in the investor countries, many countries in Africa are finding themselves competing for a shrinking pot of investment money.
Yet without a firmer offer of financial assistance from other euro-area countries and perhaps the IMF, the gain from belt-tightening measures could easily be swallowed in higher borrowing costs.
As many economists have pointed out, at this point in a weak recovery the government ought to be stimulating, as in spending to boost employment, and should save the belt-tightening, which indeed is badly needed, for when the conditions are less dire.