If a big enough one were to slam into the moon in the night sky you would think the sun was coming up early only it would be 5 to 7 times as bright.
As phones and tablets merge, manufacturers must find that sweet spot between a device that's easily portable and one with a screen big enough not to cause eyestrain after an hour or two.
If a body as big enough to maintain an atmosphere - even a very light one - then it's a planet.
For the first time since entering the race, he has leased a plane big enough to shuttle reporters from one stop to the next as he tries to breathe new life into his shoestring campaign.
Travellers find themselves squished into a partially enclosed motorcycle sidecar that is barely big enough for one person.
They then got hold of another collection of movie recommendations, from the imdb Web site, and did the math to show that if a set of imdb ratings was big enough, and matched one from the Netflix data set, they were probably from the same person.
One big issue is waiting for a Government brave enough to address it.
FORBES: Europe in Crisis Without Systemic and Citizen Innovation
That did not happen, so the Standard Model, which does contain a small asymmetry between matter and antimatter, but not one big enough to count, must be wrong.
ECONOMIST: Particle physics makes sense, but it assumes too much
With a big enough range, almost any airborne molecule will react with at least one of them.
At any moment one of them could split off a chunk more than big enough to capsize a kayak into the 45-degree water.
Salt Key, which is next to it, only rises about eight-foot except for one hill that isn't big enough to have a house on it.
This one was big enough to turn 2013 forecasts to profits from a loss to about 80 cents a share.
With a big enough voltage between cathode and anode, they will leap at great speed from the one to the other.
"When there's just thousands of people that you may have to get to, spread all over a very big city, the resources you have are never going to be enough in any one place, " Mr. Bloomberg said Tuesday.
One of the big problems with electric cars is providing enough power to help a car accelerate up to a decent speed, while at the same time having enough capacity for a decent range.