"Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry "asked for a really big gun, " the auction house said.
In two of the early primary states, New Hampshire and South Carolina, even many Democrats oppose gun control, and Giuliani may be seen as a big-city gun grabber.
Woodward is simply too big a gun to ignore.
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Was the leak that the Biden task force is debating big gun restrictions a signal of a fight to come?
And I also want to take a minute before I begin to thank the Senators who, just a few hours ago, took another big step towards sensible gun safety reforms by advancing a federal gun trafficking bill.
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He wore his belt gun which was a big long dragoon pistol, the cap-and-ball kind that was old-fashioned even at that time.
That is not much bang for the buck, so to speak, but it would be pointing a gun with a very big bang at the valuation of the dollar.
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Mr Sarukhan says that merely enforcing existing gun laws would be a big help.
Viewed from this standpoint, we could do one of two things: give up on gun policy, or recommend a big round of state-by-state buyback programs.
FORBES: Another Deadly Shooting -- In Aurora. It's Time For Gun Buyback
For would-be smokers who don't have the space, finances or inclination to invest in a big metal smoker, there's the Smoking Gun from PolyScience, the Niles, Ill.
Jude Law has become the latest big name to quit troubled production Jane Got a Gun, which has already had its director and another star exit the project.
Heltebrake was driving Tuesday near Big Bear Lake, California, when Dorner approached him, put a gun to his head and stole his truck.
These moves may seem small-bore compared to gun laws in many other countries, but they are a very big deal here, and it is hard to see how the ban on assault rifles will get past Republican (and indeed some Democratic) opposition in Congress.
BBC: President Obama's next campaign - against the gun lobby
This policy, a big part of which was reducing the number of guns in circulation, helped to lower gun-murders of under-24-year-olds from 51 in 1990 to only 16 last year.
By choosing to focus on a big picture vision of his administration, Romney was able to avoid a deep dive into gun issues, which have provided for some awkward moments during his political career.
CNN: Romney courts gun owners and pivots to general election
And Democrats have learned that gun control isn't always a winning issue for them, especially outside of big cities.
Last week, the White House threatened to file its own suit against gun manufacturers if they don't settle a lawsuit filed by more than 20 big city mayors.