The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work.
And as a result of that diligence and their analytic capabilities, they were able to track this and continue to build a body of evidence that suggested, circumstantially, that bin Laden was at that compound.
However, something is amiss, when, in the service of advocating a particular policy, activists and health authorities have to base their claims on a weak body of evidence and ignore a much stronger and more rigorous body of painstakingly accumulated data, which helps put the matter in perspective.
Dr Whitelaw's work is one part of a growing body of evidence suggesting that understanding inherited epigenetic features may be necessary to work out how animals pass on physical characteristics or susceptibility to disease.
The study, which appears in the January 18 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, adds to a growing body of evidence that "prolonged sitting is bad for health, " says Barry Braun, Ph.
It may sound fanciful, but a growing body of evidence seems to suggest there may be a link between violent crime and - no, not policing strategy, or sentencing reform, or even trends in drug abuse, but - exposure to lead.
What can you do, spending as little money as humanly possible, to gather a persuasive body of evidence that the customers will really buy your product or service at a good enough price, in enough volume to make your idea worth executing?
FORBES: Are You Making Something Usable? Part 4 -- But Is It Valuable?
According to Dr Sybille Klenzendorf, director of World Wildlife Fund's species program, there is already a wide body of evidence that suggests people are most interested in vulnerable animals that most closely resemble human beings -- usually large mammals with forward-facing eyes.
Professor Jane Wardle, director of Cancer Research UK's health behaviour unit, said there was a growing body of evidence linking obesity with post menopausal breast cancer.
Now, a growing body of medical evidence indicates that gestation even a few days short of a full 39 weeks can lead to short- and long-term health risks.
Another study adds to a growing body of evidence centering on chewing gum satiety and cravings.
They point to a body of other evidence for the existence of dark matter.
Economic data released on Wednesday added to a growing body of evidence that America has past the worst of its slowdown.
The point is to produce a body of empirical evidence that can ultimately be used to determine an evidence based treatment plan.
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Pauline Roberts said there was a body of medical evidence which suggested a possible link between the drug and depression and suicide.
It comes after a Leeds University study has added to a growing body of evidence about the ability of bacteria to float on air currents.
Those arguments were reopened by the Dead Sea Scrolls, whose discovery 50 years ago provided a huge body of evidence on the history of monotheism.
"This is especially important now that a growing body of evidence indicates that concentrated gas hydrate accumulations ... such as those in Northern Alaska, can be produced with existing technology, " he said.
"This study adds to a growing body of evidence about just how dramatic and tumultuous the Pleistocene climate actually was, " Dr Beth Shapiro, a scientist from Penn State University in the US, told BBC News.
Still, this study builds on a growing body of evidence that when doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, community organizations, and patients themselves work together, seniors are more likely to do a better job caring for themselves.
FORBES: How Teamwork Across the Health System Can Keep Seniors Out of the Hospital
For example, there is a growing body of evidence that the years beyond midlife are one of life's most creative, innovative and entrepreneurial periods, and that the older population itself constitutes an undiscovered continent of ingenuity.
Yet there is now a strong body of evidence, led by the research of David Dollar, Craig Burnside and Paul Collier, all economists at the World Bank, that aid does boost growth when countries have reasonable economic policies.
The results add weight to a growing body of evidence that suggests that the U.S. is lagging behind many of its international counterparts, most of whom have much higher levels of competition and, in turn, offer lower prices and faster Internet service.
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There's a growing body of evidence showing that in order to provide the extra food needed by the bigger and richer human population of the near future - a doubling of demand by 2050 - without destroying forests and wetlands, farming needs to be made more intensive.
But a growing body of evidence suggests that her basic points are right: children of divorce are more likely to have problems at school, to drop out of education and to have difficult relationships than those who lose a parent through death or whose parents' marriage survives.
"We know that there is a great body of evidence now that has been gathered over the past 20 or 30 years which demonstrates that, where you have schools which give time to cultural learning, there is benefit both in that sphere and also to the other disciplines, " Sir Nicholas said.
BBC: 'Keep arts at heart of curriculum' says Nicholas Serota
The ITC has not given any indication what it will say in its final report to the Senate Finance Committee later this summer (the commission does not comment on ongoing investigations), but a growing body of evidence suggests that keeping the current restrictions in place limits the profit potential of U.S. businesses.
"There is a huge body of scientific evidence showing that tea can make a significant contribution to a healthy lifestyle, and in particular, in the areas of cardiovascular health and dental hygiene".
What makes the promoters of the new orthodoxy so sure that they have succeeded where Plowden went astray is that there is now a far stronger body of evidence about which teaching methods seem to be most successful.
But Franklin exercised his discretion and reviewed the case over a three-week period and concluded "that the entire body of evidence was insufficient to meet the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, " Hagel wrote.