He started another hunger strike in December but called it off and threatened instead to launch acampaignofcivildisobedience that would fill the country's jails.
For the past nearly three weeks, residents have been carrying out acampaignofcivildisobedience and strikes demanding Morsi investigate the protester killings and prosecute the police.
Mr Hazare started another hunger strike in December but called it off and threatened instead to launch acampaignofcivildisobedience that would fill the country's jails.
At the height of the suffragette movement in the early part of the 1900s, acampaignofcivildisobedience began with women chaining themselves to railings, smashing windows and committing arson.
Yet as the national debate moves forward, and if the PRD engages in acampaignofcivildisobedience directed against the reforms as it has threatened, the PRI's backing could wane.
Mr Hayes has drawn up an ambitious national plan to help the homeless rediscover a place in society and he proposes to organise an escalating campaignofcivildisobedience until his plan is acted on.