He went on to present a chat show for six years with his wife, establishing Europe's largest late night radio audience.
Cue the Tories' Annabel Goldie, who, along with Labour MSP Kez Dugdale, embarked on a chat show-like questioning of some of them.
"Jonathan Ross returned to prime-time television tonight with a new chat show that looked remarkably like his old one - and, well, made a pretty good fist of it, " wrote the Telegraph's Serena Davies.
Asked about this on a television chat show, two relations said they would not take the money.
She did not go to the police at the time, but did raise the allegation in a TV chat show in 2007, when Mr Strauss-Kahn's name was bleeped out.
Barack Obama went on a TV chat show on May 14th and responded to questions about the loss by implying it would have been blocked under the Volcker rule banning proprietary trading.
DeadRadio - Music from the Grateful Dead, 24 hours a day, plus an ActiveX-based chat, and a virtual Dead show.
But a switch to the BBC in 1971 saw him beginning an 11-year run of the Saturday-night chat show which would make him a household name.
Mr Knapman took over the role of leader in 2002, but in 2004, a new pretender to the crown - former Labour MP and chat show host Robert Kilroy-Silk - arrived in a flurry of publicity to shake things up once again.
It will definitely be interesting to see what a man brings to the daytime chat-show world.
He sits, Davros-like, behind his desk which looks as if it has come with him from his chat show and just had a quick paint job.
His last chat show for ITV1, a fortnight later, attracted an audience of 8.3 million, with guests including Connolly, actress Dame Judi Dench and comedian Peter Kay.
It is the revolution as chat show, and it is a role for which he has no understudy.
Children's BBC presenter Angellica Bell and Channel 4 chat show host Graham Norton pushed a "red nose" plunger to light up the tower on Friday evening.
That same year he was laughed out of the BMG boardroom when he proposed a deal with Zig and Zag, two morning chat show puppets.
Last month, Mr Zuckerberg visited Moscow, where he made his first TV chat show appearance, as well as a highly publicised meeting with the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev.
He appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres chat show in the US in front of a TV audience of millions to talk frankly about his so-called "coming out" experience.
Speculation about the documentary began when a bearded, bedraggled Phoenix appeared on David Letterman's chat show in February last year, seeming confused and incoherent.
Communications watchdog Ofcom has summoned ITV to a meeting after it ruled an episode of Alan Titchmarsh's chat show breached regulations.
These have included a Bafta for best light entertainment performance, the prize for best chat show host at the National Television Awards, and the Variety Club's media personality of the year.
Jonathan Ross drew a respectable 4.3m viewers for the debut of his new ITV1 chat show, initial figures show.
Kent would rather look at pictures of Kate, or show off parts of himself in video chat rooms, than have a relationship, with its endless obligations and its curtailment of his vegetative freedom.
After his chat with Simon, Williams said, he realized the show was more of a portrait of America's social breakdown, not just black America.
The most clever and useful feature is Chat Heads, which will show Facebook messages from your friends (along with a bubble showing their profile photo) no matter what app you are using at the time.
One California vacation included a visit to a taping of "Win, Lose or Draw, " where I got to chat with game show legend Charles Nelson Reilly between tapings.
Moreover, the polyglot Mr Strauss-Kahn, fluent in German, English and Spanish, and with a (third) wife, Anne Sinclair, who until 1997 had her own political chat-show on television, was the perfect man to smooth-talk journalists and placate suspicious foreigners.
Johnny Vaughan's new chat show on BBC One - it debuts on BBC Choice earlier each evening - had a solid opening of more than two million, but that dropped by 500, 000 by the third show.
But rapturous receptions for writers like Anthony Beevor, author of a tome on wartime Berlin, show that interest in real books at least matches the appetite for chit-chat.
ECONOMIST: Dumbed-down Britain? You would be stupid to believe it