The DC Family Treatment Court is a 15-month court-supervised, voluntary, comprehensive substance abuse treatment program for mothers or female guardians whose children are the subject of a child neglect case.
"Under Welsh Assembly Government guidance the Local Safeguarding Children's Board undertakes a case review whenever a child dies and abuse or neglect is suspected, " said a spokesman.
These are reviews set up to look at cases where a child has died as a result of abuse or neglect.
Feelings of neglect as a child -- whether from divorced parents or parents who both worked and didn't spend a lot of time with their kids -- may also lead to sex addiction, Schwartz said.
In April, after the boy had not returned for the second course, Bostrom called the family and left a message threatening to report them for child neglect, he said.
CNN: Father appeals to his wife to return with their cancer-stricken son
Nearly three-quarters of a million children fell victim to child abuse and neglect in 2011, the most recent year for which data was available, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Nearly two-thirds of them had also been looked at by a child-service agency on suspicion of abuse or neglect.
As his files documented, as a child he suffered from poor nutrition, severe parental neglect, sustained physical and sexual abuse, early head injuries, learning disabilities, poor cognitive functioning and lead exposure.
When questioned, Casey Anthony admitted to police that she hadn't seen Caylee for more than 30 days, and on July 16, she was arrested on suspicion of child neglect, filing false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation.
When questioned early in the investigation, Casey Anthony admitted to police that she hadn't seen Caylee for more than 30 days, and on July 16, 2008, she was arrested on suspicion of child neglect, filing false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation.
He was charged with child neglect and grievous bodily harm towards the child at a property in Leatherhead, Surrey.
Laws vary from state to state, but in all states, clinicians who suspect abuse or neglect are required by law to file a report with child welfare offices.
The mother of a two-year-old boy who died after drinking plant food has been found guilty of child neglect.