Van Bronckhorst opened the scoring in a close encounter with a 35-yard piledriver, before Uruguay's Diego Forlan also struck from range to level.
Mr Osborne is about to have a close encounter with the leadership of a pretty powerful parliamentary caucus, and he should beware of disappointing them...
Only when a comet arriving from the Oort cloud has its orbit tweaked by a close encounter with a planet does it settle into a more regular existence.
With such European pedigree on the pitch it was always likely to be a close encounter and so it proved, although Toulouse enjoyed much the better of the opening stages.
The world No. 2 had a mixed opening few holes, and he dropped his second shot of Friday's second round following a close encounter with a flower of the desert on the ninth fairway.
Hong-Sheng Zhao of Leiden University in the Netherlands calculates that a close encounter with another one of the Milky Way's satellites, the Large Magellanic Cloud, could have knocked Sgr into a closer orbit two or three billion years ago.
It did a very close encounter with Jupiter in 1974, similar to the comet, you know, that crashed into Jupiter that dramatically changes orbit to an orbit that now it goes through orbit of Mars, through orbit of Jupiter.
In a close-fought encounter, both sides spurned a number of good chances over the course of the game.
Return after big rains and you'll encounter something close to a Garden of Eden.
With a dolphin encounter, you will get an up-close and personal meeting with your new bottlenose bud via a waist-deep submerged platform.
The board took a close look at Mars Polar Lander to ensure that it would not encounter unexpected difficulties of its own.
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Radar observations made during this week's close encounter with the asteroid Apophis have ruled out the risk of a collision with Earth in 2036, NASA says.
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