• Handled in a ham-handed manner, you have yourself a Cool Hand Luke failure to communicate.

    FORBES: Charlie Sheen: Talent That Can Be Managed IF You Know How.

  • America may not be as aggressive as it has been in the recent past, but Obama's record -- the surfeit of caution regarding Syria aside -- suggests it would be a fatal error to test this cool hand in the White House.

    CNN: Does North Korea think U.S. going soft?

  • On the other hand, I perceive our friendship to be just a little too cool and both of us to be a little too cynical and even ornery for me to join the masses with a simple click of a happy birthday button on Facebook.

    FORBES: Facebook Has Ruined Birthdays

  • And with two minutes left on the clock, McSheffrey was again on hand to slide a pass through to Jerome who beat the offside trap and kept his cool to send Birmingham in front.

    BBC: Wolves 2-3 Birmingham

  • You want a very cool fire, less than 300 degrees if possible (you should be able to hold your hand right over the area on which the ribs are cooking with just a little discomfort).

    NPR: Grill-Off: Bittman Takes on America's Chefs

  • Mr. Miller says he thinks the primary cause of his hot hand turning cool was simply "bad decision-making, " and that luck played a role in his fund being ranked so highly last year.

    WSJ: Hulbert on Investing: Can You Beat the Market?

  • "I'll have an Attila the Honey, a Back Hand of God, and two Pompous Pompadour Porters", might be your beer order at the cool little Six Acres bar (203 Carrall St) in the city's historic Gastown district.

    BBC: Vancouver: Land of the lotus-eaters

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