He was immediately surrounded by a crowd including a policeman, soldiers, a customs officer and reporters.
BBC: News | Europe | Flight re-enactment fails to reach beach
"Report the truth, please, " a Libyan man standing in line told me as a Tunisian customs officer processed my passport last week.
CNN: Libya seen through Gadhafi's keyhole
After the war he worked as a customs and excise officer, settling in Gourock, Inverclyde.
BBC: Scottish artist George Wyllie dies aged 90
After the war and marriage to his beloved Daphne, he worked as a customs and excise officer in Glasgow, Prestwick, and Ireland before settling in Gourock, where his two daughters, Louise and Elaine, were brought up.
BBC: Obituary: George Wyllie
"It smells like a dead body, " the customs officer told me, as we opened a crate of smuggled ivory in the cargo terminal at Bangkok airport earlier this year.
BBC: Saluting 'local heroes of conservation'
The wooden plane, held together with piano wire, was classified as a yacht by the customs officer.
BBC: News | Europe | Flight re-enactment fails to reach beach
In the Customs shed a smart officer in pressed flannels, green military sweater and beret greeted me warmly, pumping my hand.
BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China
The latest arrest comes a day after news that the Sun newspaper's Whitehall editor, Clodagh Hartley, Jonathan Hall, a press officer for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, and Mr Hall's partner Marta Bukarewicz are to be charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in a public office.
BBC: New Scotland Yard sign