The letter also offers passengers a three-day refund and a half-price cruise in the future.
Who ever coined the notion that women should stay home, make babies, cook dinner, play the role of June Cleaver and of course let the husband be the breadwinner in this current day should have taken a time train into the future by some 50 odd years.
And to quote again the words of David Trimble, do you think we will be able to talk in the foreseeable future about a situation in the Middle East where they have reached "the day they said would never happen"?
One day in the future, a tipping point will occur and the electric car will replace the combustion engine.
These options are worth little now, but they may be stacking Day's cards for a windfall in the future.
The group SOS Grantham Hospital handed in the document at the end of a 90-day consultation period on the future of the site.
The next day Flamengo issued a statement declaring that the club would not take part in any future matches played at altitude.
During the first day of report stage in the Lords last week the government suffered a defeat over the future possible transfer of responsibility for counter-terrorism from the Metropolitan Police to the new National Crime Agency.
However, with the strong gains already clocked by investors this year, some stock strategists were moving in the opposite direction, raising warning flags about the prospect for future gains on a day when demand for Treasurys rose, nudging the yield on the benchmark 10-year note down to 1.95%.
At one time, you could confidently place any money you might need within one year in a high-yield savings account and be relatively confident that your money could buy at least as much a year in the future than it could buy the day you deposited your funds.
On this one day certain each year, the future best of a profession in the world are starting their journey.
The company also issued an apology, promised a 10-day credit for its customers, and promised better communications in the future.
Indeed there is little evidence that the public across Europe wants political union - but the urging of greater fiscal union surely brings closer the day when the British will want to debate their future in a changed Europe.
In the future, says Jonathan Redgrave of Jones Day, a law firm, they will simply ask for tighter jury instructions.
ECONOMIST: Better late than never? Tell that to Arthur Andersen
Although it has had an impressive track record of growth, its ability to turn a profit is still a question mark and it is likely that the company will need rainy day funds in the future.
The members of the Commission were so disturbed by the disgusting behavior of these anti-development protesters that they issued a statement the next day in which they announced their intent to create a security plan for future hearings.
Finally, being a "smoking pariah" now, with never a day in hospital in my life, I feel that any treatment I may need in the future has long been covered by my income tax and duty paid on tobacco, so now I'm only smoking (legally obtained) duty free tobacco.
University chiefs had described Thursday as "D-Day" and said the decision would have a profound effect on the future of higher education in Northern Ireland.
"I am confident that if there is to be a referendum one day, the UK citizens will decide to stay in the EU and contribute to shape its future, " he said.
CNN: Cameron promises referendum on Britain's place in Europe
"I am confident that if there is to be a referendum one day, the UK citizens will decide to stay in the EU and contribute to shape its future, " Mr Monti said.
Popular wisdom advises that you take a look at your retirement planning regularly to be sure everything is on-track for that fated day in the future when you turn in your final resignation and take your leave from the money-making world.
Their warnings come as the Financial Times starts a four-day series into how European manufacturing has fared in the eurozone crisis and the challenges it faces in the future.
The PAEMST awardees are among the very best of the countless teachers in classrooms around the country who are working every day to nurture young minds and forge a better and brighter future for our country.
Dr Richard Houlston, a researcher at the Institute of Cancer Research who carried out the research, said preventing fibroids may one day be possible in the future.
In addition to Mr. Richmond's arguments, our writer Martin Robinson makes the case for adding Seoul to your travel bucket list with his "A perfect day in Seoul", a scouring of the highlights of the city district by district, and "Fast forward into the future in Seoul, " a demonstration of how the city is innovatively leading the world in entertainment, shopping, art and even dating.