That gives her a free hand to help out a grown child with creditor or marital problems.
If actuaries had a free hand, they would discriminate against all sorts of statistically dubious groups.
Morsi will not have a free hand to govern, at least not in the short term.
Labour recently voted to scrap shadow cabinet elections, giving Mr Miliband a free hand over appointments.
As long as entrepreneurs and investors are given a free hand, drop your fears of finite resources.
In 1989, the Pakistani cabinet resigned, giving Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto a free hand to form a new government.
It is the prospect that the new owners will have a free hand to manage their properties, unhindered by politics.
Labour recently voted to scrap shadow cabinet elections, giving party leader Ed Miliband a free hand over who to appoint.
With a free hand, railways tend to squeeze more trips out of their trains, provide better service and make more money.
Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein said October 19 that NATO had a free hand to fight piracy as it saw fit.
However, diplomats said, this doesn't mean that the military would easily give Mr. Sharif a free hand to dramatically improve trade and political ties.
WSJ: Pakistan's Newly Elected Leader Seeks Better India Ties
However, they add, this doesn't mean that the military would easily give Mr. Sharif a free hand to dramatically improve trade and political ties.
WSJ: Pakistan's Newly Elected Leader Seeks Better India Ties
In other words, his fiery stump speeches look designed to get him elected safely enough to give him a free hand for peace talks.
State governments, universities and agencies would now seem to have a free hand to violate patents and trademarks with impunity, even when operating commercially.
In a recent article, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, of the World Bank, illustrates the much bigger numbers the modellers could produce given a free hand.
Environment Minister Roseanna Cunnigham said it was important to remember the Scottish government did not have "a free hand" as EU rules had to be complied with.
Where previously he had a free hand in selecting a prime minister, under the new constitution he has to nominate someone from the largest party in parliament.
Teaching bodies criticised the list as being against the principals of Curriculum for Excellence, which was supposed to allow teachers a free hand to choose their teaching materials.
With no president to meddle in government and mock his bullying ways, as Mr Kovac did, Mr Meciar will now have a free hand to improve his electoral fortunes.
And at the same time, it has a free hand to roll out new products and services on its own terms in the rest of the world outside China.
FORBES: Apple's Layered Strategy Translates Into China Advantage
Asked if Mr Kiley will have a free hand to take on the unions, the mayor says that Mr Kiley would not have taken the job without such freedom.
Given a free hand in the design, his team developed a continuously variable transmission system that allows the petrol engine and electric motor to work separately or in tandem.
He won from Mr Yeltsin an opt-out which, in effect, gave the city government ownership of all federal property on its territory, and a free hand in disposing of it.
Iraq's ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that the United States has to keep its forces in his country unless it wants Iran to have a free hand in Iraq.
CNN: Iraq hearings highlight differences between McCain, Democrats
Ms. MARCUS: Yes, I think Turkish officials very much feel that they should be allowed a free hand to fight against a group that they consider to be a terrorist organization.
"In the end, we know what happens when people like Milosevic are given a free hand, or permitted to abuse people to the extent he has on many occasions in the last years, " she said.
Wisconsin law prohibits more than 25% out-of-state undergrads (but add in the 10% Minnesota reciprocity students) but with a new financial structure, Chancellor Martin could have a free hand making the UW-Madison the semi-private school she envisions.
Harriet Miers, the president's former White House counsel, exploring with high-ranking officials of the Justice Department, the removal of all federal prosecutors so that the White House could have a free hand filling those ranks with nothing but political loyalists.
"I was told I had a free hand before I took the job, but afterwards I was told to concentrate on the team alone and not worry about the wider picture - I'm not sure that situation has changed, " said ex-Wales coach Alan Davies.