The volume is still handed out as a guide book to new traders every year, an ironic tradition considering the book was written as a cautionary tale.
Mr. MEAD: Right, and that's the really - I think that's the great idea about all the ideas in this book, which are - it's a guide book.
This book is a guide for detecting the next crisis whenever it occurs.
Art of War: Eagerly studied by military leaders in ancient times, modern politicians and executives now use this 2000-year-old book as a guide.
The pop-up book is a guide to the natural world, and gives children the knowledge to explore the environment and helps them to understand how humans make use of plants.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Electric book wins science prize
Vehicle damage reports like CarFax are widely available on the Internet and make it easy to spot cars that have been suffered heavy flood damage, said Ricky Beggs, vice president and managing editor of Black Book, a guide to the wholesale market for used car dealers.
If you're sporting Android 4.1 Jelly Bean then one of its most notable features just got better, as an update for the Google Search update is enhancing Google Now (still getting adjusted? check the guide book for a list of commands) functionality in a few key ways.
One month doesn't make a trend, of course, but the executive editor of Kelley Blue Book, a vehicle information guide for consumers, thinks buyers' attitudes are changing.
The list of Abels was conceived in 1994 by a group of local Tasmanian bushwalkers in a book titled The Abels: A Comprehensive Guide to Tasmania's Mountains over 1100m High: Volume One, edited by Bill Wilkinson.
That makes his book unsatisfying as a guide to how the crisis unfolded.
At the end of the book is a handy guide to the people behind-the-scenes who make movie monsters come alive.
"The work I do focuses on helping organisations to use social technologies to connect the people in their organisations, " says Ms Conner, a partner in the Altimeter Group and author of the forthcoming book The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media.
As a text we use her book Rapid Contextual Design: A How-to Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design (Interactive Technologies).
The Power Of Starting Something Stupid is a startup, entrepreneurial book, but more so, it is a travel guide.
FORBES: The Power Of Starting Something Stupid - Five Ways To Authenticity
The book really is a great guide for patients trying to navigate the medical tests, surgeries, and medicines offered to cardiology patients.
The Independent's Boyd Tonkin also noted "a plot rammed to bursting point with guide-book factoids".
In my book FREEPLAY: A Video Game Guide to Maximum Euphoric Bliss, I adopted the perspective.
FORBES: 3 Lessons in Manliness: Another Perspective on the Damsel in Distress Trope in Video Games
It also includes a map of the fantasy land of Narnia (a feature creators say was one of the most requested by fans), a blueprint of the magical sailing ship the "Dawn Treader" and a guide to the creatures and people in the book.
The Friends: Complete Series Blu-ray box set is presented in highly collectible new packaging consisting of a lenticular box cover, a hard-cover book that holds 21 Blu-ray discs, plus a 32-page episode guide.
ENGADGET: Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray set arrives November 13th for just under three bills
Alex Steffen is the executive editor of, which covers sustainable technology, design and innovation, and editor of the book Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century.
Another source of help: Publisher cch just put out a how-to book on the subject: Practical Guide to Cost Segregation, by Paul G.
The 2008 book "Perfumes: The A-Z Guide, " by Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez, has become something of an Oxford English Dictionary for scent.
That is what makes this book so valuable: it provides a reliable guide to a treacherous subject, giving its readers the mental ammunition to make sense of official claims.
The dress "was made from kitchen curtain material -- and people went crazy, " Pulitzer said in her book, "Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining, " excerpted on her company's website.
That way, a user would have to look up a given topic in only one book instead of 29 Readers Guide volumes.
Her new book is called Reading Like a Writer: a Guide for People Who Love Books and For Those Who Want to Write Them.
Last year, Yamazaki recorded her experiences in a book, Setsuyaku Seikatsu no Susume - "Guide to a Thrifty Lifestyle" - and notched up another feat.
This investment problem, the central focus of my book, The Intuitive Investor: A Radical Guide for Manifesting Wealth, argues strongly for a more whole-brained investment approach.
FORBES: Contract With Forbes Readers From Jason Apollo Voss, CFA
Her new book is called Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them, and she joins us from our bureau in New York.
Inevitably, this book reads at times like a macabre form of survival guide.