Whether a heavy-handed approach can succeed where others have failed may prove one of Mr Howard's biggest tests.
ECONOMIST: Drastic measures for a troubled people
The implication is, of course, that noncompliant taxpayers would continue to avoid their tax obligations without a heavy-handed approach.
The cases will likely inflame TSA critics and frequent travelers who believe screeners take a heavy-handed approach and worsen the hassle of getting through airports with layers of rules and sometimes inconsistent policies between different cities.
WSJ: Airport Screening - Are TSA Searches Going Too Far?
Mr Innes and most British coppers reckon such a heavy-handed approach is alien to the culture of British policing (indeed, it turned out to work nowhere so well as in New York) and may even be wrong in principle.
Not all violence in gang neighbourhoods is gang violence, he argues, but it often gets reported that way to justify a more heavy-handed approach.
ECONOMIST: A delicate task for William Bratton in Los Angeles
One would expect Democrats to go for a heavy-handed, regulatory approach to governing money in politics.
FORBES: Fact and Comment
Today, we need a sensible middle ground between heavy-handed regulation and a hands-off approach to a risk that can hurt the innocent, as well as the sophisticated buyer.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
Both the editor of the BMJ and a former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine have criticised this heavy-handed approach.
ECONOMIST: Medical journals and ethics