He said Pfizer had left behind a large amount of fixed equipment in the labs.
To get a bank loan Oumarou would have to put up a large amount of collateral.
Hardly an unexpected response from a young person with a large amount of cash income.
Putting a large amount of money on your credit card can hurt your credit.
As a result, they will need to raise a large amount of new capital.
"A large amount of the content is learning from others how not to get caught, " she said.
GPs are holding on to a large amount of dry powder they are trying to put to work.
But such a large amount of unaccounted-for water is not easily explained by current models of Martian evolution.
The U.K. government is investing a large amount of political capital in supporting and promoting the start up culture.
This was followed by a large amount of user defection to other services.
Mega-rich Russians have a large amount of their money parked in Cyprus banks.
FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Near Steady as Bulls Gain More Confidence
In Hong Kong a few families control a large amount of economic activity.
When Splunk engages with a client, the first move is to go in and explore a large amount of data.
He goes on to say that you can feel safe because a large amount of Americans invest in this product.
The Paris town hall's decision to spend a large amount of public money on it has created an almighty flap.
The past few years have seen the widespread availability of a large amount of data, thanks largely to the internet.
At first blush, it seems odd that the bank would be so tight-fisted with such a large amount of money.
Straight after a meal, the rate of synthesis doubles, prompted by the arrival of a large amount of amino acids.
Sometimes these plasma clouds are directed at Earth, and can deposit a large amount of energy into the planet's magnetosphere.
MSN: Solar storms sparked by giant 'magnetic rope,' study finds
An investigating officer said there was a large amount of CCTV footage and some defendants had made admissions to being present.
Although no major arrests were made, an attempt to steal a large amount of fuel from a Teesdale farm was averted.
Of course, junk bonds come by their name honestly, and the high yield market still harbors a large amount of risk.
And it just remains the case that a lot of Americans still get a large amount of their news from local television.
The problem is at the back of the fridge where there is a large amount of foam insulation, which is highly flammable.
"They're guaranteeing us a large amount of money, " says Jagger, clearly pleased.
Distributors reacted favorably, and we did quite a large amount of presales.
FORBES: Meet The Man Behind Triggerfish, Africa's Answer To DreamWorks, Disney And Pixar
It takes a large amount of information and makes it easily digestible.
There was a large amount of headline risk throughout the survey period.
FORBES: Bearish Expectations Haven't Been This Bad Since May 2010
The short-term benefits of the discovery were stated (if implicitly) in the piece: a large amount of energy produced domestically at affordable prices.
While this is a large amount of money, these costs are perhaps one third less than the price of a new Canadian mine.
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