If a large financial institution should ever fail, we will have the tools to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Hails Progress on Wall Street Reform
If a large financial institution should ever fail, this reform gives us the ability to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Wall Street Reform Vote
It was their trading in the stock of a large financial institution at a time when the SEC was running multiple investigations of the company that got referred to prosecutors, the report says.
FORBES: Magazine Article
All big banks today must receive approval from the Federal Reserve before increasing their dividend or stock buyback program, as well as pass regular stress tests that probe whether the financial institution could withstand a large shock.
FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down
An association with the Visa brand helps a customer (bank and other financial institution) to attract consumers by providing them with a large network of Visa merchants and ATMs. Thus participation in Visa card programs is beneficial for banks and other financial customers.
FORBES: Three Businesses Make Visa Worth $86
Shinsei Bank has become a highly profitable financial institution but only after half its assets were written off by the government and a large contingent of outside experts came in to shake up its inbred corporate culture.
FORBES: The Panic Spreads
Indeed, if banks were unregulated, and as such free to succeed and fail, investors and financial institution creditors would make sure that none grew too large given the losses they would suffer in a free market for any bank committing ghastly errors.
FORBES: Book Review: Reckless Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner