It's using China as a launching pad for India and other emerging markets.
His opponent, Spitzer, 45, has used his office as a launching pad to run for governor of New York next year.
The largest city on the French Riviera is often overlooked as a launching pad to Monte Carlo and small villages of Provence.
Mitt's missing record in Massachusetts reflects the fact that he treated that executive office as a launching pad for his presidential ambitions.
Previous festivals have served as a launching pad for companies like Twitter and Foursquare, and tech giants from around the world have taken notice.
Svalbard once stood on the outermost limits of the known world and was a launching pad for some of the more picaresque tales of polar exploration.
It is a launching pad for personal or professional ambitions.
The event is famously known for helping to boost Twitter in 2007 and Foursquare three years later, giving it a rep as a launching pad for new digital tools.
For all the Bush-blaming Obama has done, he came into office understanding that big government conservatism could create a launching pad for a return to liberalism or more radical progressivism in America.
Or you could use this as a launching pad for other scientific stories with The Big Bang Fair, running 10-12 March in London's ExCeL Centre - a good place to look for inspiration.
At the same time, the Prime Minister and I both agree that our nations have a long-term interest in ensuring that Afghanistan never again becomes a launching pad for attacks against our people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House
Pakistan also kicked the Central Intelligence Agency out of a base that the spy agency had long used as a launching pad for drone strikes against militant targets in Pakistani tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.
Firstly, the event served as a launching pad for UNESCO's work in the mobile learning arena to grow a global community of practice that can be mobilized in support of Education for All (EFA) goals.
"We're trying to serve as a launching pad to get inventions into the hands of those who can develop them, " says Washington University Chancellor Mark Wrighton, who spent 23 years in the chemistry department at MIT and has a few patents in his name.
Because countries in the Far East and companies in Europe as well, and in the United States, want us as a launching pad for Europe and if we are a semi-detached member of the European Union then they won't come to Britain in the same way.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Lords Brittan & Lamont
Did we achieve our central goal, and have we been able I think to shape a strong relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Hold a Press Conference | The White House
In her case, it was a launching-pad for the microeconomic reforms that cumulatively transformed the British economy.
Companies like it are using China's current patent regime as a launching-pad.
Russia says it also remains committed to sending cosmonauts beyond Earth's orbit in the future, including to a permanent base on the moon that it says could be used as a future launching pad for flights to Mars.
The Republican led House had been the major launching pad for a long list of abortion restrictions.
The question is whether this is an adequate launching-pad for a Lugarite foreign policy to take America well into the next century.
If you've ever dreamed of being a winter Olympian, The Hermitage Inn is your launching pad.
It's the first carrier anywhere to launch the Rich Communication Services standard on LTE, which provides a perpetually synced contact list that serves as the launching pad for everything else.
"More than anything, Austin's an excellent launching pad for tech entrepreneurs because it's a great place to live, " he said.
Now rather than find another way to fill up all that pesky prime time air not occupied by Heroes, Reilly need only add to an already established slew of hits come springtime--a task made even easier with the No. 1 show, American Idol, as his launching pad.