We go downstairs and we have a little sun room on the back of the house, just a little room and we'd look up and the roof is partially caved in.
She made me a little--out of a shoe box she'd make a little room, almost like a stage set with little windows and illustrate little books for my dolls, and was generous beyond belief to me.
However, ObamaCare gives health plans a little wiggle room: plus or minus 2 percent.
FORBES: Health Savings Accounts Will Survive ObamaCare -- At Least For Now
That allows a little breathing room to figure out what is going on with all these technology gabfests.
Now that he's got a little breathing room, it's time for Bill Ford to decide where the company is headed.
Empty middle seats that might provide a little more room have vanished.
The loans being promised to Greece only give Greece a little breathing room so it can, for example, make a bond redemption later this month.
Airlines keep shrinking the size of seats to stuff more people onto planes, those empty middle seats that once provided a little more room are now occupied and more people with tickets are being turned away because flights are overbooked.
While dirndls still give a nod to tradition with wide skirts, corsets and aprons, designers have given the outfit a modern twist with brighter colours, fresh design and a little extra room in the corset to allow for plenty of beer drinking.
And the ideal place to sell those displays will be in Apple retail stores, where they are placed in ideal lighting and display conditions, making them hard to resist for the Apple fans with a little extra room on their credit cards.
Sometimes in the small car craze, its easy to forget about the big and tall, or those who simply want a little extra elbow room.
For those with a taste for political allegory, there is something to ponder here, although the director, Pierre Morel, together with his producer (and co-writer) Luc Besson, takes things at such a clip that little room is left for contemplation.
Bounces tend to occur when undecided voters switch to a candidate, but with so few truly undecided voters in our polls, there was little room for a bounce for Obama or McCain.
Knowing this, acquirers make their initial bid a little lower to leave room for a higher final price.
But she held her head high, flaring her nostrils a little, appraising the room with a residual trace of her anxious hauteur.
That's because the company's biggest rival, Monster.com, has dropped out of the game, giving CareerBuilder a little bit of breathing room, he says.
This leaves a little more wriggle-room than the ten-year ban that Mr Hague is widely believed to have endorsed: the Conservatives could change their mind if they lost the next election.
Sunderland might have seemed like a dream move - but, as Micky Adams found out last year when he went to Leicester with Dave Bassett, being the secondary element of a partnership allows you little room to do your work.
Featuring a glowing neon bar and a tiny stage, Plasma has little standing room so show up early to get a table.
He knows which buttons to press and where there's room for a little diversion.
There could be room for a little ambiguity that gives face to both sides.
I'm looking to make my rec room into a little home theater.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget: What's the best home projector? (part II)
Sometimes, the toughest message is delivered not with crude language, but in an unfettered message, almost as a directive, which leaves little room for discussion.
When we asked the question, in a room full of little ones with eager minds, what do you want to be when you grow up.
FORBES: Malala Yousafzai: The Children of the World Are Watching