It takes a little while for most kids to develop a taste for new foods.
FORBES: How Food Companies Carry Out Sensory Consumer Research On Kids And Babies
It will be a little while before I get to figure it out, however.
With no warm-up act, the evening seemed to take a little while to get going.
We have a little while to consider these questions, but we ought to start.
But can we take a break and figure this out in a little while?
"To me, it feels like it's been moving fast for a little while now, " he says.
You'd think we could all relax for a little while--but not everybody thinks so.
It seemed to me that everybody ended up in Toronto, at least for a little while.
The administration put out a statement a little while ago about the EU sanctions.
Soon it will take over my life as well, at least for a little while.
Less litigation sounds good to us, even if it's only for a little while.
ENGADGET: Kodak patent sale approved by Judge: Apple, Google to pay $527 million
It takes a little while to remember the little subtleties of being a goaltender.
"The sword of Damocles has been hanging for a little while now, " he told 5 Live.
On that, the jury is likely to be our at least for a little while longer.
With the authority you hold for a little while, you have great freedom of action.
Cutting back on small pleasures works for a little while, but then we start to feel deprived.
FORBES: Want To Save Serious Cash? Focus On The Big Stuff First
My plan was to record for a little while, until I had enough tape to make a story.
He said it could take a little while to pull the app, website, Twitter feed and Facebook page.
FORBES: University Decides Sex Tracking Smartphone App May Not Be Such A Great Idea
For a little while it had a destructive effect on me and some of the people around me.
When that happened, Amazon pulled Macmillan books from its online store all together for a little while.
Bear with me because it takes a little while to pull all the threads together, but it's worth it, I promise.
"It's been a little while, but it will be good to look across there and see Joe, " Weiss said.
In a little while, he returned to his alley stable, where he and Spangler had left the bay mare.
And so the company staves off the jaded for a little while longer.
FORBES: Tim Cook Manages to Squeeze a Surprise into iPad Mini Announcement
Still, my sister tried out Ann for a little while, until laziness prevailed and she went back to Anh.
Swearing off book shows forever (or at least for a little while), we returned to our apartment to re-focus.
Naked sponsored access has been an issue that has been bantered about in the markets for a little while.
FORBES: No More Tolerance For Unlicensed Driving In The Markets