And I know that a lot of people here heard a lot about the health care bill.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
"A lot of people here live paycheck to paycheck, " says Mr. Smith, who works in shipping for a fragrance company.
These are women-owned businesses that are doing outstanding work and hiring a lot of people here in the local economy.
There are a lot of people here in California and all across the country who are still struggling each and every day.
But what they did do -- and I know there are a lot of people here who can relate to this -- they saved, and they sacrificed.
And the last thing is unique to Mexico, and that's, it called to mind for a lot of people here July 2000, when Vicente Fox was elected president and displaced the party that had been in power for more than 70 years.
And a lot of people here in Congress who in the past may not have been so concerned about the issue are catching on that people back home want action, and I think they're going to be prepared to vote for strong legislation.
"A lot of people here would not want to put dollars into the border, but as a price to get citizenship, as long as it's not an impediment to citizenship but rather works alongside citizenship, it's something we can all live with, " Schumer said, after talking to the Hispanic House members.
Now, it might seem crazy that U.S. taxpayers would be called upon to bail out, you know, the Royal Bank of Scotland, or UBS. But Secretary Paulson says, you know, these banks do a lot of business in the U.S., they employ a lot of people here, but you can expect that that will be a hard pill for a lot of Americans to swallow.
"There are not a lot of people in here, " said Brent Wilson, owner of Shines.
"A lot of people come here expecting the Rock of Gibraltar, " she said.
It's maybe not something you talk about with your neighbors, but that's a lot of people right here in Webster City and across Iowa.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
And I think a lot of people, a lot of analysts here and around Europe are saying, not necessarily because demand is simply slowing down.
Or are there specific behaviors that cause you concern, because maybe there are a lot of unattached people here who aren't as, perhaps - you know what I mean?
Now we have a reason which is launching Ariane 6 in 10 years' time, and I can tell you we have a lot of young people here who are very excited.
We have got a lot of talented people sitting here that can be used in many different areas.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
That dream has been jeopardized in this recession for a lot of people, especially right here in Nevada.
"I think there are a lot of people who have arrived here who just want to give something back from their travels, " he says via satellite phone.
If we do have a guest worker program as I've described to you that I support, then I believe you're going to find a lot of the people who are here illegally go home and come back into the country.
It's almost - interestingly enough, it's actually - there's a little bit more optimism on the trail than there was a few months ago in July and August when he really bottomed out and looked like - you know, a lot of people are wondering back here in Arizona how long he was keeping to stay in the race.
With all of the media coverage around the 2012 Presidential election, including here, a lot of people have forgotten about a critical piece of the electoral puzzle: the battle for control of the U.S. Senate.
FORBES: Daschle: Mitt Romney Can Repeal 'Bulk' of Obamacare With a Senate Majority
Because you come to a place like Indonesia, which is the largest Muslim population in the world, but people here have a lot of other interests, other than security -- that security is important, but I want to make sure that we are interacting with a wide range of people on a wide range of issues.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House
"I would say the majority of people who come here are professionals - a lot of doctors, " she said.
And that's why the Congress, under the leadership of a lot of the people who are chairs of committees and subcommittees who are here today are going to play a major role in this.
"There are a lot of people with a variety of illnesses here, " Mr Suhanda tells me.
"I have learned a lot of lessons from the old people around here, " he says.
"Before I came here a lot of people thought I wasn't good enough to play for Liverpool but I think I have shown I am, " stated Skrtel.
Oh, one other thing that I wanted to mention -- and since we've got a lot of press here -- sometimes people want to be involved in service but don't know how to get involved in service.
Callouts have gone up 40% since 2005, this is a big operation, a lot of people's lives are at risk here.
Virtual Universe is the next logical step in world entertainment and although there are a lot of critics and people shaking heads it is here to stay and take its ranks among the greats.
FORBES: Meet The Man Who Paid A Record $335,000 For Virtual Property