Yes, there is an uptrend but you will need a magnifying glass to locate it.
Still, there is a magnifying glass on the first case, one lawyer familiar with such litigation argued.
They can be enlarged with a magnifying glass or on a touch screen.
Yes, the jack knife has a fork, a saw and a magnifying glass.
That television monitor acts as a magnifying glass, which produces athletic performance and personality in larger than life detail.
When macular degeneration rendered her virtually blind, she used a magnifying glass to get through the Financial Times most days.
Each Smartwater application is made unique to each household by using laser-etched particles, which can be viewed using a magnifying glass.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Security kits to cut burglaries
He grabs a magnifying glass and points to a diagonal edge of leaf tucked inside the rounded mouth end of the cigar.
Under ultraviolet light and a magnifying glass, any one of these thousands of dots can reveal the host vehicle's unique identity number.
At the bottom of the chest, in an olive jar, he placed a detailed autobiography, printed so small a reader will need a magnifying glass.
My advice: Don't even try that unless you have a couple of hours, a magnifying glass, a financial calculator and a few pints of strong coffee.
This can be a problem even in the best universities: students feel short-changed by professors fixated on crawling along the frontiers of knowledge with a magnifying glass.
For instance, even to clear the letterhead for the company stationery, he uses a magnifying glass to ensure that the logo is placed exactly to the millimeter.
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New to the Cyber-shot line, the TX30 model features a Magnifying Glass Plus mode that zooms in for a fascinating super-size, magnification (up to 15x) of close objects such as fish, plants, insects and more.
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Academics have a habit of crawling along the frontiers of knowledge with a magnifying glass, blind to the wide vistas opening up before them, and often reducing the most engaging subjects to tedious debates about methodology.
And I think one thing that the news reports remind us of is that when American Presidents, American senators and congressmen and would-be leaders go abroad, what they say is placed under a magnifying glass and it carries great impact.
Firstly, the aforementioned absence of an optical trackpad isn't a bother for the Desire S, which now lets you place your cursor precisely within text using a magnifying glass overlay and offers a couple of draggable pointers for defining text selections.
It may be that the eating millions will one day take an informed interest in what goes into the stomach, carefully assessing the components of processed food, which conscientious manufacturers will list in print big enough to be read without a magnifying glass.
Still, while there is a magnifying glass on the first case, one lawyer familiar with such litigation says, it is the first several cases, taken together, that could have a big impact on whether Merck eventually decides to settle--and winds up paying tens of billions of dollars to do so.
Starting today, many recommended links will carry a small magnifying glass on the right hand side of the title.
The BBC's Andrew North, in Delhi, says the case continues to put Indian life under a sharp magnifying glass, and for many people it is uncomfortable viewing.
The curved glass had a magnifying effect, like a lens: inside, the pale-pink pill was disintegrating as if giving birth to a galaxy or the universe.
To convince customers they were getting a better rock at a higher price, he developed a handheld, cylindrically shaped magnifying glass that clarifies the pattern of hearts and arrows.
For a split second, we forgot that the magnifying glass next to volume down actually means "zoom out, " and as such we are still lacking a dedicated search button.
To start exploring the wide range of audio now on Flipboard, a new "Audio" category has been added to the Content Guide, which opens when a user taps on the red ribbon or magnifying glass in the top right corner of their Flipboard.
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The set includes a wristwatch, a pocket watch and a wood and leather presentation case and tools, including an 18-karat-gold magnifying glass.
Forensic science has a lot of romantic literature behind it, with many fictional detectives stalking the pages of whodunnits magnifying glass in hand and nicotine-source in mouth.