Not to own gold is to trust government at all levels and in all times to be able to do the right thing to maintain the economy on a steady course and manage the affairs of man in a fair and orderly manner.
FORBES: Sober Reasons To Own Gold
On returning to Egypt, Qutb wrote a series of books, many from prison, denouncing jahiliyya (ignorance), a state of affairs he categorised as the domination of man over man, or rather subservience to man rather than to Allah.
ECONOMIST: In the name of Islam
Once he leaves the government, Powell is on his way to being the next Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state widely regarded as a wise man on world affairs.
NPR: Bush's Black Legacy
Tiger Woods was a Nike man when details of his numerous affairs became public.
CNN: Nike's bullet ad with Pistorius backfires
Frick had been the man Carnegie trusted above all others to manage the affairs of Carnegie Steel, a manufacturing combine so vast that its output surpassed that of the entire British Empire.
NPR: Excerpt: 'Meet You In Hell'
It's a big to-do list for a man who initially seemed at best half-hearted about his portfolio and clearly mourned the loss of his former economic-affairs brief at the European Commission, the EU's executive branch.
WSJ: Economics Guru Jumps