He took a narrow road that ran west, and was discovered twenty miles away as he crawled into a farmyard.
The studio is based at Red Hill House on a sharp bend halfway down Red Hill, which is a narrow road.
Tracing a diagram of his evacuation path on the dust of the floor, he described driving down a narrow road between the rice paddies.
It's currently producing 28 million cases of spirits, most of that heading for export from Grangemouth or to Diageo's UK distribution centre via a narrow road bottleneck.
The battered truck was left in the middle of a narrow road on the border of Helmand and Kandahar provinces for several days after insurgents opened fire on it.
Tourists who visit the area must follow a narrow road through sage and cactus range that runs for miles toward a line of soft mountains in the east and south.
On a narrow road of mostly boxy structures, the Gouws' four-story home looks from the outside as if it could have been airlifted from Paris, with a stone-colored facade, neat rows of elegant windows and ivy all over the fence.
It is a very narrow road with premises adjacent to the road.
Veering from a narrow dirt road, Jerry Falwell Jr. shoots his GMC pickup along the rocky slopes of Candlers Mountain in Lynchburg, Va.
Veering from a narrow dirt road, Jerry Falwell Jr. shoots his GMC pickup along the rocky slopes of Candlers Mountain in Lynchburg, Virginia, hitting an armchair-size rock that nearly flips the truck.
Dixcart Lane, a 500m narrow road, has two blind corners and has seen an increase of traffic as it is the only road access to two hotels, both of which are undergoing renovation work.
"There's a long, narrow road ahead for Windows 8, " reviewer Seth Rosenblatt wrote for CNET.
It takes around 45 minutes to make a full circuit of the island by motorcycle, and the road is a narrow concrete strip less than two metres across, shared between motorbikes, bicycles, pedestrians, livestock and hoards of giggling children.
Until then you have to use a narrow winding unlit mountain road.
The approach road is a narrow, twisting ascent, occasionally blocked by livestock.
An outdoor floodlight spilled onto the road in a narrow swath, most of the light getting trapped in the yard by a line of tall maples.
Tucked into a narrow bend on this leafy road stands a half dozen miniature cafes where poets, activists and writers socialise over strong cups of Arabic coffee and bowlfuls of hummus.
The narrow road has become a gleaming new toll motorway, built and maintained under a private-public partnership.
Naomi Jones, 19, from Wesham was on a narrow "very bumpy" unclassified road when the crash happened on Division Lane, in July last year.
The warden at the wheel hit his brakes, trying to make a U-turn on the narrow pine-lined road.
CNN: Dorner manhunt: A car chase, a gunfight and a fiery cabin
We conquered the 15% grade of the treacherous Via Mala (literally, "bad road"), set in a narrow gorge pockmarked by fallen boulders, without so much as a whinny.
Arizona also claims the third-fastest road: Route 77, which follows a narrow strip of green terrain alongside the San Pedro River as it winds through the desert.
The main road into Sirajganj runs along a raised embankment but the narrow strips of grass on either side are now home to dozens of people escaping the waters below.
Road access to the site of a new electricity substation is narrow so Western Power Distribution (WPD) agreed the alternative method of transport.
BBC: Gloucester Sharpness Canal used in ?12m building project
Despite its relatively central location just northwest of the Kremlin, the only way to get to the complex is either by infrequent metro service on a newly built line, or via narrow off ramps from Moscow's busiest ring road that often are clogged by construction vehicles.