Liz Willis, who operates a newsstand near where Mr. Davis was taken into custody, said the man had shaved his head and beard.
On the way to work one day, she passes a newsstand and grabs a copy of Tweak It, Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day, Wife Goes On, and then takes a long overdue solo vacation to Sedona and falls asleep under the stars holding Dare to Dream.
In recent months, the company has been rallying publishers around the idea of a Google-operated digital newsstand, a centralized hub for news from publishers that would be available on Android devices.
Not to mention that publishers recoup up to 55% of a title's newsstand sales, according to John Harrington, a circulation analyst.
Did you forget to stop by the newsstand a few times last year?
Perhaps you never subscribed to Fangoria, or only infrequently grabbed a copy on the newsstand.
"You have basically five seconds, maybe less, to grab a reader at the newsstand, " says In Touch Editor Michelle Lee.
Putting Princess Di on your cover was once as close as you could get to a guarantee of big newsstand sales.
FORBES: Will Newsweek's 'Zombie Diana' Cover Be a Commercial Hit?
In addition to garnering a high appeal score of 36, making her the second-most-liked cover subject behind Sandra Bullock, she proved a success at the newsstand.
It was an awesome institution when I was a child, selling for 2 cents on the newsstand, what you paid for a Pepsi or The Daily News.
Still under the influence of the somewhat debilitating effects of eating two Philly Cheesesteaks in a row, I pick up a copy of the latest issue of Forbes from the newsstand, tap and pay, slurp a mouthful of cold Starbucks (got distracted in duty free), and fire up my phone.
FORBES: The Day I Killed a Zombie on Forbes Magazine: A Future Reflection
It takes only a passing glance at any newsstand today to see the influence of celebrity.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience
Magazines: Subscribers receive a hefty discount over the newsstand price, but you'll save even more by signing up for your favorite magazines online.
If this trend continues and more celebrities share their exclusives via social media, it will further impact celebrity newsstand sales in a bad way.
FORBES: Jessica Alba Breaks Pregnacy News on...Facebook: Why Celebrity Magazines Should Be Worried?
If not, is it when a magazine hits the morning newsstand?
FORBES: The Internet Age And The "Hot News" Doctrine Converge
Editors say they spend a significant amount of time mining newsstand-sales data for patterns.
WSJ: Hot Covers! One Prince, Three Sisters, Lots of Breakups
They told us about new apps like Newsstand which will act as a portal for papers and magazines, or Cards which lets you send cards - through the mail.
The industry as a whole saw circulation fall 1.2% with newsstand sales down 7.3%.
FORBES: Game Informer Jumps a Third in Circulation to Become Fifth Largest Magazine in US
With the iPad, iTunes and subsequently Newsstand, Apple drove native app development as a strategy by connecting access to the marketplace to developing for device.
FORBES: For Magazines, The Digital Future Lies Beyond The iPad
Christina Aguilera opening up about finding "new love and a fresh start" after a divorce and a drunken arrest sold about 531, 000 copies on the newsstand, the second-worst seller of 2011 after Elton John posing with his child.
WSJ: Hot Covers! One Prince, Three Sisters, Lots of Breakups
When I saw a wire service photo several hours later of Time's cover, a standard news shot of Diana, I knew our issue would crush theirs on the newsstand.
CNN: The race for the perfect cover: 'Heaven while it lasted'