However, you fail to acknowledge that, by our reckoning, 96% of diamonds mined in the world today have brought growth and prosperity to a number of countries, many of which are in the developing world including southern Africa.
It signaled, perhaps, a slight shift away from the days of huge companies dominating the event's headlines -- a phenomenon helped along by the recent attention-grabbing successes of a number of crowdfunded projects, many of which were present at the show.
One of my most embarrassing moments as a speaker (out of many) came a number of years ago when I was presenting in the UK for the first time.
After having been one of the state's most polarizing political figures, Christie has been embraced by a growing number of Democrats, many of whom have come to see him as a bipartisan problem-solver.
There were a number of people, many experts included, that also thought that.
This disparity can be explained by the language used by a number of commentators, many of who used sarcasm, which is famously a blind-spot for text analytic tools.
FORBES: Dark Social 2: How A Big Assumption of Social Media Is Just Plain Wrong
The Anatomy of a Cupcake is one in a growing number of recipe charts, many of which remove the precision and measurements of traditional recipes in favor of expressing their general form.
Unfortunately, that is the stated goal of all those who adhere to what authoritative Islam calls Shariah - a number that includes many millions of people the world over.
Many thousands never made it out and there are still many of Polish descent still living in Siberia, but also many escaped through a number of routes.
"PSHE encompasses a number of different areas, many of which are compulsory, " she said.
He shared a number of disturbing stories, many of which were hard to believe.
FORBES: Political Risk Analysis: Guatemala and Mexico's OTHER Border
After World War I, the pier changed hands a number of times and saw many redevelopment projects to try and revive its fortunes.
Poland has a large number of mines, many of which are located in the industrialised Silesia region, which is rich in mineral and natural resources.
If they can't get in until a number of years later, many people won't want to take the chance they might get sick in the interim.
This means that while the delegation is committed to support a candidate for a certain number of ballots, many individual delegates remain loyal to other candidates.
The Scottish and UK governments have been debating a number of subjects including how many questions would appear on the ballot paper and who should vote.
But several legal rulings and other delays have led to a large number of workers, many of them low-paid women employees, taking equal pay cases to employment tribunals.
Specifically, the Center has learned that there may be a number of documents -- many, if not all of them, classified -- that could shed light on this question.
It is increasingly common for families, self-employed workers and small businesses to share a single Internet connection among a number of people and among many simultaneous uses and applications: uploads and downloads, video and photo sharing, computers and game consoles.
ENGADGET: Videotron's 120Mbps broadband is Canada's fastest, now available in Quebec City
The Ohio Department of Transportation's Faulkner told me that, because the authorizations from the General Assembly are sent over at widely spaced intervals, he did not have a readily available number of how many Ohio service members in America's recent wars have had portions of highways named for them.
The move will result in the loss of a substantial number of jobs, though exactly how many the company so far is not saying.
While there are a succession of drugs which offer some control over the disease in many cases, a small number of patients do not respond to these.
Now that the balance of power has shifted in Congress, politicians from both parties are vowing to work together to get things done, and with moderate to conservative Democrats picking up a number of seats in the House and many Republicans fed up with the direction of their party, there is at least a chance of bipartisan cooperation.
Because many consumer products are now made in China and available from a number of sources, the Chinese have many choices as to where to shop.
The Fona Festival consists of a modified Tsou marriage, representing efforts to continue the tribe, a rather important task as the populations of many tribes number only a few thousand people.
The New Nordic ethos of changing menus to reflect the seasonal local landscape is evident at a number of keenly priced restaurants in the area, many of which have opened in the past year.
It has brought solar panel costs down dramatically over just a few years, bringing grid parity within sight in a number of markets, and kicking off what many see as a potential long-term energy revolution.
FORBES: Low Carbon Economies And Smart Grids: Watch Out For China
Congress, recognizing that vaccines will injure and kill a predictable number of people each year while saving many more, passed a law in 1986 taking away the right to sue vaccine manufacturers in standard courts.
FORBES: Thimerosol-Autism Link Was A Legal Theory In Search Of Science
But Friends of the Earth argues this is just the first of a huge number of new schemes which could create as many environmental problems as they cure.
Another part of the problem: Many traders, including a number of high frequency trading firms that normally make up 60% of daily trading volume, stepped aside and stopped buying, draining liquidity from the system when it was trying to deal with a tidal wave of sell orders.