"This is definitely not a passing fad, " he tells FORBES GLOBAL from his yacht off the coast of Turkey.
Both are equally important for you to make sure content evolves into a core function, not simply a passing fad.
FORBES: Why The Brand Content Trend Is One Marketers Can't Bypass
Some see his ownership of Chelsea as a passing fad, a plaything he may soon, for want of new trophies, tire of.
Close to half of Americans think Facebook is a passing fad, according to the results of a new Associated Press-CNBC poll.
What if all the interoperability turned out to be a passing fad?
So is the rise of the Greens a passing fad, or is it part of a more fundamental realignment of progressive politics in Australia?
Some think "outsourcing" has now been revealed as a passing fad.
In 2005, when we started researching an earlier book extolling its virtues, there were less than 4 million people using it and many business people dismissed it as a passing fad.
FORBES: Age of Context: Social Media Becomes a Mature Platform
Halloween-inspired attractions like haunts aren't just a passing fad.
Additionally, maybe MusclePharm turns into a passing fad.
FORBES: Blast Off Time For MusclePharm: $12 Million Offer is Complete
Are e-readers just a passing fad?
FORBES: Tablet Wars: What the New Kindle Fire HD Means for the Future of Reading
As he said to me yesterday, he is concerned that the current wave of protest votes against excessive executive pay could turn out to be a passing fad - and he therefore wants a constitutional change that would lead to a permanent transformation of big institutional shareholders into properly informed and engaged proprietors.
He has dismissed the calls for his resignation as a passing storm and a silly fad.
ECONOMIST: George Bush is a fool for keeping Donald Rumsfeld in his job