As for Lord O'Donnell, his record as head of the civil service and as a policymaker is widely respected.
And from a policymaker's point of view, it matters little what is causing the pain: the remedies are broadly the same.
ECONOMIST: Globalisation and the rise of inequality: Rich man, poor man | The
There is a whole scale of options when you are a policymaker.
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So I certainly have no hopes for a policymaker, elected or appointed, to embrace my individual worldview enough to fulfill my dreams for me.
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From both a policymaker's and a bank's point of view, says Sun-bae Kim, regional economist at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong, going after the consumer makes sense.
When I became a policymaker in 1991, this type of information, especially from the directors of our four offices, was particularly valuable in detecting the credit crunch early.
So the more accurately a policymaker can distinguish between types of adviser, the more likely it is that he (or she) will be able to ignore biased advice.
In what has become a policymaker's must-read, epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett claim to have discovered that, across developed countries, the greater the income inequality in any country, the worse the health and social outcomes for everyone: rich and poor.
Nothing much, except I got addicted to Jackson Hole years ago when I was eligible to attend the Jackson Hole Symposium as a Fed policymaker.
Lambrew is a highly competent policymaker and power player with deep experience in healthcare.
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For an analyst, the path to career advancement lies through a "hot account, " which means a subject that attracts policymaker interest.
Mr Morris creates a model in which the adviser and policymaker interact repeatedly.
No European policymaker seems willing to countenance a serious haircut on Greek debt yet, for fear that it undermines confidence elsewhere.
This is a vital piece of information for any policymaker or regulator.
For what was emphasized in Seattle, and in the materials released so far, is mostly an educator's (and student's) version of education reform, not a parent's, taxpayer's or policymaker's version.
Increasingly-hawkish policymaker Andrzej Wojtyna was also quoted as saying Thursday that a single rate hike was necessary to halt the weakness of the Polish zloty.
But central bank policymaker Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner said Tuesday that she did not expect a significant slowdown in the Polish economy and that the bank should not delay a rate hike to help counter inflation.