They should have a positive attitude, high energy, and want to learn new things.
Kahn says sailing can teach Shark about teamwork, performance and having a positive attitude.
Confidence and a positive attitude are also required to be a street smart and successful entrepreneur.
Instead of telling you to have a positive attitude, Norville shows you how--citing real-life examples and scientific research.
Always have a positive attitude about the work, however menial it may seem.
Bound and determined to succeed, I maintained a positive attitude by noting that the hard lessons learned from failures can be incredibly valuable.
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Do you go through your day completing assignments on time, maintain a positive attitude, and feel like no one upstairs knows your name?
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In the face of adversity, people often believe that simply having a positive attitude is enough to overcome a problem and get back on track.
"I think anybody you ask would tell you he was a great guy, always with a positive attitude, always trying to help people, " White said.
They know a positive attitude and great preparation lead to success.
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"I was a little apprehensive about being perceived as an imperialist American, but I tried to go into the trip with a positive attitude, " says Santelices.
Despite my desire to be surrounded by more like-minded women, I never felt at a disadvantage as a woman entrepreneur and I kept a positive attitude.
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Consider this as just another part of the evaluation process, and regard it as a challenge to be surmounted through hard work and a positive attitude.
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The day would be intended to promote a positive attitude to people's culture and heritage and would be marketed both at home and beyond Northern Ireland.
BBC: Northern Ireland peace walls should 'come down by 2022'
Hollywood isn't entirely off our role-model radar, though, as a few celebrities have made the list fully equipped with a positive attitude and a scandal-free rap sheet.
Houston's managers have said in court filings that the pair's online posts violated policies set out in an employee handbook, which include professionalism and a positive attitude.
In my professional career I encouraged people to go into retirement with a positive attitude and to think of this phase of life as the Third Age.
There seems to be more of a positive attitude in the air this Monday morning on signs that U.S. lawmakers are finding some common ground on deficit reduction efforts.
No matter what the reason is for the sudden change in your job responsibilities, you need to maintain a positive attitude, talk to your supervisor and refrain from complaining, among other thing.
They maintain a positive attitude.
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Keep a positive attitude, right?
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Church schools also appeared to succeed in giving their pupils a more positive attitude towards Christianity.
This includes a more positive attitude towards taking part in United Nations' peacekeeping operations, at least in support roles.
The increased level of activity reflects a more positive attitude towards the product that has been evident this year.
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The big European Central Bank refinancing operation on Wednesday is feeding a more positive attitude in the market place late this week.
' I had a very positive attitude, l felt confident with myself.