Smith says he is open to the possibility of a rematch but is also eyeing a possible world title shot.
Unfortunately, despite their frugality and the financial windfalls that accompany a possible World Championship, it probably will not be enough to retain Cliff Lee given the riches that await him in light of his postseason dominance.
People have described Guild Wars 2 as a possible World of Warcraft killer, and while I think the two games are different enough to make this a non-issue, bringing the game to Mac is almost certainly a shot fired across the bow at Blizzard.
But it certainly is worth paying attention to as a possible antidote for a world that is becoming increasingly complex.
He points to San Francisco's highly successful Embarcadero Center, designed and codeveloped by his father, as a possible model for a new World Trade Center.
After peaking in the spring, world stocks market have been sliding lately amid concerns about a slowdown in world growth and a possible double-dip recession.
FORBES: Stocks Are Cheap Enough To Absorb Earnings Downgrades
This puts additional pressure on China to increase its exports, but that is not possible in a world of collapsing demand, both in developed and developing nations.
Social scientists like her, blessed with a sense of humor and as balanced a view of the world as is possible for someone promoting a cause, help advance the notion that in a war between the sexes the best you can hope for is a Pyrrhic victory.
Is it possible to be a world traveler and a vegan at the same time?
Is it not possible to build a better world based on monotheism, justice, love and respect for the rights of human beings, and thereby transform animosities into friendship?
In a world where every possible idea has already been thought of at least once, the urge to innovate is opposed by an equal and opposite drive for safety.
But it is possible to imagine a different world.
FORBES: Robots And Jobs: Is Paul Krugman Really Saying This?
It remains to be seen whether United, or indeed any other many English club, comes under Qatari ownership in the near future but, with a World Cup and possible Olympic Games both on the horizon, the tiny gulf state is only going to grow in sporting stature and importance over the next decade.
It may sound too good to be true, but such a reactor is indeed possible, and a number of teams around the world are now working to make it a reality.
FORBES: Is Thorium the Biggest Energy Breakthrough Since Fire? Possibly.
But in such a highly connected and analysed world, how was it possible to lose a Boeing 777?
If we accept Mr. Taleb's premise about power-law ascendancy, we are left with a troubling question: How do you function in a world where accurate prediction is rarely possible, where history isn't a reliable guide to the future and where the most important events cannot be anticipated?
Pilots for bankrupt Trans World Airlines oppose a possible buyout financed by former TWA Chairman Carl Icahn .
Scientists are trying to figure out the means by which this could happen, so that they could help the world prepare for a possible disastrous pandemic.
Chinese citizens have also been worried about the fallout of a possible meltdown in their corner of the world.
"Asked why he maintains such a hectic schedule, he said he feels it is his obligation as an educator to do as much as possible to make the world a better place, " the release said.
WSJ: Newt Gingrich's College Records Show a Professor Hatching Big Plans
As I pointed out in an earlier column in Slate , the growth of labor-intensive exports from Third World countries, a development possible only because those countries are able to offset their disadvantages by competing on the basis of cheap labor, has brought about a huge improvement in the human condition, even if the wages look miserably low by our standards.
We now live in a world where technology has made it possible for companies to take their business anywhere.
WHITEHOUSE: Address by the President to a Joint Session of Congress
It is possible that the world would be a better place if nobody took anything that could harm them.
When you read the newspaper, it is possible to get a rounded picture of the world by flipping through the international news, national news, arts, business, sports, and more.
While the teaser trailer, with its hot tubs and night clubs, prompted some to label her an apostate, Zuckerberg says tried to draw on her experience present as accurate as possible a picture of the real Silicon Valley world.
FORBES: Randi Zuckerberg (Yes, That's Mark's Sister) On Keeping It Real In Bravo's 'Silicon Valley'
And here is a stunning fact: This generation is uniquely equipped to lead to breakthrough innovation in a way that has never before been possible, because it is the first to have grown up in a world of ubiquitous connection.
FORBES: Win Big by Unleashing Millennials' Connective Intelligence
Is it possible that there is a place in the business world for difficult bosses?
Moody's, a credit-rating agency, shocked Japan by placing it under review for a possible credit downgrade, even though Japan is the world's biggest creditor country.
But Peto warns that few drugs could survive in a world where they are constantly tested against any possible risk.
The Motorola sponsored "world record" was made possible by a Chinese mobile base station installed with a line of sight to the north ridge.
ENGADGET: World's highest cellphone call made with Motorola Z8