Dallas-based Heritage Auctions said it is only the second time that a Nobel medal has been offered at a public auction.
Pat Frost, Head of the Textiles Department at Christie's described the sale as a "one-off opportunity", adding she was not aware of any clothing items of Margaret Thatcher's being sold at a public auction before.
According to Forbes, The Scream is the eighth most expensive painting sold at a private or public auction, when prices are adjusted for inflation.
BBC: Edvard Munch's iconic artwork The Scream sold for $120m
In contravention of a public, competitive auction, Crusader conspired to rig the tax lien bidding by allocating certain liens to members of the conspiracy, thus ensuring that the prevailing bidder took the lien with an artificially higher interest rate than would likely have been derived from open competitive bidding.
You're not expected to spend as much at the PTA auction in a public school.
Following the expiration of a statutory period, unpaid tax liens are typically sold at public auction where interested bidders seek to acquire the lien at a favorable interest rate that the delinquent homeowner will pay upon redemption.
As well as trying to come up with growth-enhancing measures, British treasury chief George Osborne will be under pressure to plug a hole in the public finances after an auction of the next generation of mobile phone licenses reaped less than anticipated.
It's also the only version a private collector can get their hands on at public auction.
They told Kotaku that new purchasers would also be locked out of the auction house and public games as a way of managing the in-game economy.
The photograph -- which may never before have been seen by the public, RR Auction says -- offers a glimpse of the future wife of Prince Charles lying down, perhaps on a bed, wearing a light sweater or top.
Members of the public interested in the auction process can follow developments via a 4G consumer webpage.
The Engineers India shares will be sold through a public offering, but most of the other deals will be through an auction.