• 'Saddam Hussein's trial is a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law.

    CNN: Highlights from the world's press

  • Obviously that's the beginning of a process whereby the rule of law carries the day.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Russia does not consider the West as a model of governance or the rule of law, but as a provider of services, including financial ones, for the ruling elite.

    ECONOMIST: Russian-American relations

  • During his fourteen years in power he changed Venezuela from a poor country with democratic institutions, a rule of law and freedom of the press to an even poorer country with a quasi-dictatorship, no rule of law and no freedom of the press.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: chavismo-without-chavez

  • Those first few hours sum up all the problems of doing business in Indonesia: excessive red tape, unproductive labour, bad infrastructure, a lack of respect for the rule of law and a reputation for lax security.

    ECONOMIST: Enemies of promise | The

  • Today, in upholding the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court has shown that, even at a time when Washington seems to have reached a new level of dysfunction, there remains a respect for the rule of law, for precedent, and for the ability of Congress to legislate on matters that affect the American people.

    FORBES: The Power of Framing: ObamaCare Individual Mandate Upheld as a Tax

  • According to the report, conflict environments, characterized by a breakdown in the rule of law and a prevailing climate of impunity, create the conditions whereby parties, emboldened by their weapons, power and status, essentially enjoy free reign to inflict sexual violence, with far-reaching implications for efforts to consolidate peace and secure development.

    UN: Security Council

  • Past and present aggressions against media professionals and the failure to bring the culprits to justice, ultimately obstructs the achievement of a sustainable peace and the rule of law in Nepal.


  • For a time he had a strong populist image, seen as a champion of the rule of law, praised as the only judge in history to have stood up to a military ruler and won.

    BBC: Pakistan political crisis: Key players

  • He has impeccable law enforcement and national security credentials, a relentless commitment to the rule of law, unquestionable integrity and independence, and a steady hand that has guided the Bureau as it confronts our most serious threats.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • It is bolstered by the view that we are a country comfortable with the rule of law (with a few war on terror exceptions), an absence of rigid class distinctions and discriminations (at least lately), and an underlying tendency to do the right thing when the right thing needs doing (although, as Churchill remarked, often only after exhausting all other alternatives).

    FORBES: FATCA: the End of American Exceptionalism or Merely the Next Chapter?

  • We all know what is needed -- a transition that is timely, new laws and a constitution that uphold the rule of law, political parties and a strong civil society, and, for the first time in Libyan history, free and fair elections.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya

  • In New York this week to visit the United Nations, Ahmadinejad spoke at a meeting on the rule of law Monday and is scheduled to address the U.N.


  • "Last year, thousands of Libyans sacrificed their lives or suffered lasting injury in order to win the right of the Libyan people to build a new state founded on human dignity and the rule of law, " Ban said in a statement Sunday.


  • "The goal of the Afghan government and the international community should be a national police force able to uphold the rule of law, and thereby help tackle the root causes of alienation that drive the insurgency, " the International Crisis Group said.

    CNN: Report: Afghan police should focus on crime, not militants

  • If there was a functioning government there, and the rule of law, the minerals could be mined in a legal and orderly way.

    CNN: Commentary: Stop the 'vampires' in the Congo

  • The decree transformed a farce into yet another example of Mr Berlusconi's contempt for the rule of law, of a piece with a new draft law to allow ministers to delay criminal trials against them.

    ECONOMIST: A farcical failure to register candidates in time

  • And if there is a path to citizenship that has enough of a realization that we have to respect the rule of law, then so be it.

    WSJ: Citizenship for Immigrants Divides Republicans

  • The official called Milosevic's arrest a good example of Yugoslavia "standing up for the rule of law, " but said the United States won't hold a donor's conference to further assist the Yugoslav economy until Belgrade takes certain concrete steps to further illustrate its commitment to justice.

    CNN: Powell to meet Yugoslav leader

  • Depending upon your viewpoint, the grandly named Mass Torts Made Perfect, a recent confab of plaintiff lawyers in Las Vegas, (1) illustrates America's greatness as a nation with the rule of law or (2) shows the appalling consequences of deep-pockets liability.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • President Karzai, as well as the other candidates, I think have shown that they have the interest of the Afghan people at heart, that this is a reflection of a commitment to rule of law, and an insistence that the Afghan people's will should be done.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki Address the Press | The White House

  • The three critical ingredients, he argues, are a strong state, the application of the rule of law to all parts of society and a means of holding rulers to account for their actions.

    ECONOMIST: Theories of history

  • The Department of Justice has now sought a middle ground, a way to more loudly affirm the rule of law without threatening to put the lawbreakers, on whose survival the economy depends, out of business.

    FORBES: The LIBOR Scandal: Prosecutors Have a New Plan

  • At the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival this past July, Salam Fayyad, acting prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, spoke enthusiastically about the rule of law in a future Palestine.

    WSJ: R. James Woolsey: The Ugly Premise of 'Settlement' Opponents

  • They want to continue down the path of modernization, respect for private capital, the rule of law and the need for a legal order that can guarantee rights, liberty and ensure that economic transactions are subject to legal protection.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The meaning of Kirchner��s recent defeat

  • Mark Regev, an Israeli government spokesman, said "the issue of settlements and illegal outposts were discussed" between Netanyahu and Obama, but that the topic was "first and foremost a rule of law issue" and that the government was now engaged in a process to bring about the removal of illegal outposts peacefully.

    CNN: Israel removes illegal settler outpost on West Bank

  • As long as we are a free people working under the rule of law with free enterprise, we will have a far cleaner environment and a far better quality of life a century from now than we enjoy today.

    FORBES: Fact And Comment

  • And given Turkey's history as a secular democratic state that respects the rule of law, but is also a majority Muslim nation, it plays a critical role I think in helping to shape mutual understanding and stability and peace not only in its neighborhood but around the world.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan

  • Nevertheless, Mr Mugabe and all the other African leaders are being asked to endorse a commitment to the values of democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | EU-Africa: The key issues

  • In the next few months, it is due to rule on the validity of a law pushed through by Mr Uribe which changes the constitution to allow a president to seek a second term.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

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