Both the Nyaya and Vaisheshika schools of Hindu philosophy had a great deal of reverence for inference and a proto-scientific method.
In the 1990s America's Supreme Court deemed it the responsibility of federal judges to insist that expert witnesses testify about the reliability of a forensic-scientific method only if the method in question has been tested so that the range of its error rate is known.
The Scientific Method requires testing a proposed scientific hypothesis before accepting it as the truth.
Using favorite colors or cool nicknames to choose winners provides as good a chance as any scientific method.
At Berkeley on a scholarship, Quinones-Hinojosa developed a passion for the scientific method.
But one of GlycoFi's proofs of concept was a scientific paper showing its method could be used to create a copy of Amgen's Epogen.
The Scientific Method struck a valiant blow against climate denialism in Germany this week, as scientists from around the globe gathered to sort out climate change facts from fiction.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
Such statements are an affront to most Americans' intelligence which commonsensically applies a prosaic form of the scientific method: They look for the explanation that best fits the facts.
The Scientific Method demands a constant testing of theories.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
The Heartland Institute and Ken Cuccinelli care about advancing a political agenda, not the scientific method.
Under the Scientific Method, when a scientist proposes a scientific theory, she or he vigorously attempts to prove the theory wrong and then encourages others to do the same.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
This is not a method that would pass muster in scientific inquiry few orchestral players would be rude in print about their chief conductor but it yields some insightful results.
In a press release and a five-page letter to the scientific community, Peter Kim asserts that although Merck had to correct a statistical method, the 18-month conclusion is still valid based upon the data Merck had at the time.
Among historians of capitalism and technology, the process of engineering--a method of repeatable creation derived from the 17th-century discovery and exploitation of the scientific method--gets much of the credit for our world.
Dr Gosling's method has helped to launch a new scientific discipline, comparative personality theory.
This attempt to win a debate through obfuscation and switching topics is a political tactic that does nothing but corrupt the scientific method.
FORBES: Truthmarket Challenge Demonstrates Everything That Is Wrong With the Global Warming Debate
"I'm not aware of any test for that drug that has been evaluated by the traditional scientific method, " says Charles Yesalis, a professor of epidemiology at Pennsylvania State University.
One of the reasons why I wrote that piece for Toxicological Sciences is because it gets me genuinely angry as a scientist when supposedly fellow-scientists not only disregard scientific method and principles, but also discredit the whole field of endocrine disruptors and environmental impacts on human health.
According to the Scientific Method, when real-world facts contradict a postulated hypothesis, the hypothesis fails.
FORBES: NASA Data Pit Scientific Method Against Climate Astrology
In an interview, Jeffrey Drazen, the NEJM editor in chief, said that picking a method of analysis after seeing the data is bad scientific form.
She had hooked up with the "psychic tester" Hans Holzer, a former adjunct professor of parapsychology (which attempts to apply scientific method to investigate claims of the paranormal) at the New York Institute of Technology (the Institute will neither confirm nor deny Holzer's status).
It s the very lack of understanding of scientific method and evidence among much of the legal profession that is a problem here, and the evidence of this programme is that this could be pervasive.
The scientific method was blossoming in the Venetian state, of which Padua was a part.
In 1997, the International Association of Arson Investigators filed a legal brief arguing that arson sleuths should not be bound by a 1993 Supreme Court decision requiring experts who testified at trials to adhere to the scientific method.
This process begins with a desire to change behavior and embrace willpower as a method of controlling your finances, as recent research suggests that this has genuine scientific merit as a self-improvement tool.
And even if those educated in the sciences pursue employment in other areas, learning the scientific method in an accessible manner helps to cultivate critical thinking skills that are useful as a consumer and citizen.
FORBES: Pharmaceutical and Science Education Column Relocates to