They incentivize for a short-term goal of delivering greater than budgeted results, rather than for base-store profit growth year over year.
If you want to keep it somewhere safe and accessible for emergencies or a short-term goal like a home purchase in the next 5 years, you might want to open it with a bank, credit union, or money market fund.
Although liquidity crises are short-term emergencies and macroeconomic stability is a medium-term goal, locked credit markets soon have wider economic effects.
These stark realities have prompted some would-be mediators to worry less about Kosovo's long-term constitutional status and to focus instead on the short-term goal of securing a ceasefire, ideally with dividing lines clear enough for peacekeepers to monitor.
"You can judge these policies by their goal, and it's very much a goal of short-term stimulus, " Souleles says.
These steps are just a short-term down payment on our larger goal of ensuring that all Americans get the skills and education they need to succeed in today's economy.
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Yes, you should have a long-term goal of where you want to eventually get to, but you also need to have short-term goals that are specific, realistic, and measurable.
Your legacy is a long-term goal, cash is a short-term investment.
For many years my colleagues and I have seen business and non-profit leaders intentionally capture the spirit and energy of a short-term crisis and use it not only to achieve the immediate goal, but also to build more effective ways of working over time.
The short-term goal of stabilizing the currency is creating a bigger problem of corporate insolvency.
Getting clear on your short-term goal can help you evaluate whether to volunteer for a committee or take on an extra work assignment.
In such a stakeholder economy the primary goal, it is said, is not the maximisation of short-term profits for the benefit of the shareholders.
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While the firm is pursuing short-term financial returns to shareholders as its primary goal, it will always need a profusion of C suite jobs to adjust the repercussions of a goal that has limited long-term viability.